Author Topic: Towed Guns?  (Read 961 times)

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Re: Towed Guns?
« Reply #15 on: June 29, 2010, 10:00:55 PM »
1st: You missed my point about them moving away from the route you predicted. If that happens, you will need to move to get a shot, or wait and see if anyone comes into your kill zone. And if you pop out of cover to shoot, then you are just as vulnerable, if not more so. Are you familiar with the saying "if the enemy is in range, so are you"?

2nd: Don't be so sure. I've gotten many kills (and often avoided being killed) because an air spotter said "heads up guys, theres a tank hiding in that barn ahead of you". How much do you want to bet that the GV thought the barn or trees would keep his icon hidden. And your statment contradicts the first; why would the GV's have a spotter come look things over, give someone enough time to set up an ambush, and THEN move forward?

3rd: No doubt, but the majority of players lack the patients to sit in a barn for 45 mins without any action. I've seen some people just charge ahead to be killed when theres someone in a P-38 checking things out ahead of us.

And another thing: You'll have to rely on M3's and SdKfz 251's to move you around, so an M3 sitting in the bushes will be a dead give away that an AT gun is somewhere nearby. I'm not saying that I don't want AT guns, but I'm saying that vehicles such as the SdKfz 251/22 would be much better suited to the world of AH. You must admit that on many maps, the groves of trees placed every 300yds or so will severly limit the ground you can cover.
here it goes again... another me and you argument which will never die unless i step away...
1: you don't need to move. most people follow the most predictable path taken to the base. any person who has a half a brain will know where to set up.
2: know the chances of this happening? slim to none. and usually an aircraft spots the GV BEFORE they move into the trees or structure they try to hide in. Who says there's spotters nem? you should know many engagements don't include A/C. or if they do, they are usually contested. along with the fact that AT guns are defensive only therefore like i already said there will usually be defending aircraft more often than attacking. the invaders wont have a spotter to use.
3: if an M3 is rolling you foward you will beat the attackers to a good defensive position. and sadly i must say i already know good positioning at many bases on many maps... i'm an AH dweeb :(
4: who says the M3 has to wait nearby? just ditch after setup and let them take another GV into the battle
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Offline Nemisis

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Re: Towed Guns?
« Reply #16 on: June 29, 2010, 10:16:06 PM »
Of course it won't die till one of us steps away. Its not like we have anything but speculation to go on in these hypothetical arguments. That means its your oppinion against mine.

1: most of the people you want to keep from getting to the fight (ronder, snarglie, Dr7, myself, 0nline, etc.) will be following the action (not where you want to set up). That means your ambush has accomplished killing the cannon fodder a few times each.

2: you seem to be under the impression that a furball going on overhead means that everyone not fighting will be killed in a few seconds. An La-7 on the deck can be damn hard to catch. You also seem to think that the furballers will head to the other side of the base to kill a spotter. But I do admit that I hadn't concidered this with an airfield in mind; I was thinking about them being used to defend V bases (if you set up on the field, you can be damn hard to shift).

3: so you plan on spending your entire time in one spot? Once a few guy get killed, people will stear clear of you. I'm still amazed at how fast some people can figure out your field of fire.

4: so you want to be left with however many shells the gun crew can carry in their arms? If we do get this, the ammo will be left where the M3 put the gun down, or it will stay in the M3. In the case of the former, your ammo will be as targeted as supply boxes. Whenever I see some supps, I use them up, or put a shell on them.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2010, 10:23:32 PM by Nemisis »
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Re: Towed Guns?
« Reply #17 on: June 29, 2010, 10:25:06 PM »
Clearly we have very different notions about how to play the game.

1: most of the people you want to bump off will be following the action (not where you want to set up)

2: you seem to be under the impression that just because theres (likely) a furball underway means that every con not fighting will die within seconds. An La-7 on the deck can easily spot for the GV's, and is unlikely to be caught. But I do admit that I hadn't concidered this with an airfield in mind; I was thinking about them being used to defend V bases (if you set up on the field, you can be damn hard to shift)

3: so you plan on spending your entire time in one spot? Once a few guy get killed, people will stear clear of you. I'm still amazed at how fast some people can figure out your field of fire.

4: so you want to be left with however many shells the gun crew can carry in their arms? If we do get this, the ammo will be left where the M3 put the gun down, or it will stay in the M3. In the case of the former, your ammo will be as targeted as supply boxes. Whenever I see some supps, I use them up, or put a shell on them.
1: true
2: yeah you can always have a stray plane fly by but usually if theres alot of air action nearby they aren't looking for GVs... although the story is always going to be different for Vbases.
3: haha nope! completely wrong. you get a good fight going and they wont notice you at all and will still go head on to the others
4: pretend the M3 dropped the ammo out too.
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Re: Towed Guns?
« Reply #18 on: June 29, 2010, 10:37:10 PM »
Re read what you quoted. I apear to have edited it while you were posting.

3: Have you seen what happens when a jeep, M3, or M8 comes out to a GV fight? They attact fire like a rook bomber flew into a bish/knit furball.

4: I bet HT won't let you move more than 10yds before your ammo goes poof. Otherwise we'll have to cut the ROF once your local shells are depleted. Do you really expect to keep up a 10-15 rpm ROF when your ammo is 30 feet away?
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Re: Towed Guns?
« Reply #19 on: June 30, 2010, 06:03:02 AM »
Re read what you quoted. I apear to have edited it while you were posting.

3: Have you seen what happens when a jeep, M3, or M8 comes out to a GV fight? They attact fire like a rook bomber flew into a bish/knit furball.

4: I bet HT won't let you move more than 10yds before your ammo goes poof. Otherwise we'll have to cut the ROF once your local shells are depleted. Do you really expect to keep up a 10-15 rpm ROF when your ammo is 30 feet away?
3: so doesnt every GV out there in the game...
4: point? if you expended your rounds then all youre going to do is try to rtb or wait for a tow or more supplies for more ammo...
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Offline Nemisis

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Re: Towed Guns?
« Reply #20 on: June 30, 2010, 03:39:24 PM »
3: well yes, but no one drops what they're doing when another M4 spawns in; they deal with their current target (or get killed, and spawn back in) and then find a new one. But when a jeep rolls by, almost everyone drops what they're doing to shoot at it.

4: My point is that under ideal conditions, you may be able to stay with your ammo, and you may get one shot kills. But in the cartoon world of Aces High, it will likely take two rounds (on an M4 or T-34. More on a tiger, which is becoming more prevelant to take up some of the slack left by the firefly), which means that you will get a total of 15 kills, assuming 100% accuracy, and no ricochets. And we all know that no is 100% accurate, and eveyone gets ricochets.

You will also likely move just a LITTLE bit to far, and dump your ammo. It will take time to figure out how far 30 feet looks from a towed gun.
All man needs to be happy is a home, his wife, and a place in the world

Col. 49Nem, Armor commander of the 49th