"the right thing to do." PU-lease... kettle call the pot black much? Ok, seriously;
Not until I get my answer from the last scenario on how was it possible for the allies to fly around the edge of the map of norway and well within Sweedish airspace to flank their strategical targets in Norway.
I gave lengthy and detailed AAR's frame by frame of how everything went down in the last Scenario.
They show how incredibly wrong you are about much that you have said about what the Allies did.
Whether you are able to grasp or understand that, I could care less. You obviously have the need to blame someone and rather than look at the root of the cause (the Allies did not give out the Axis orders after all) you feel the need to put the blame elsewhere.
I will not rehash this, and if you really want to glean some understanding, ask one of the CM's to give you access to the Confidential Forum. There was a whole heck of a lot of myth and conjecture on the Axis side about what happened and that thread should shed some light on what REALLY went down.
I will say that there is a reason the Axis were beat so utterly in the last Scenario and "gamey" tactics did not play a part.
Back on topic...
The LEAST you could have done is to include the side CO's on the orders they were given and let them have a say in the matter.
Has anybody, besides me, even LOOKED at the orders for both sides yet?
There is a reason I am saying this is a terrible idea.