Author Topic: Next scenario -- Philippine Phandango -- schedule is set  (Read 5855 times)

Offline Brooke

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Re: Next scenario -- Philippine Phandango -- schedule is set
« Reply #45 on: July 01, 2010, 05:18:34 AM »
Ah, thank you.  And we removed the D11 from the event and went with all D25s.

I will mod the writeup when I have a chance -- it's not modded yet, but I will get to it soon.

Offline oneway

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Re: Next scenario -- Philippine Phandango -- schedule is set
« Reply #46 on: July 01, 2010, 01:30:32 PM »
Write Up Version 6.0 posted....thanks Brooke...

Couple of Quick question - clarification...

I was unable to find anything about shore battery and field guns...

In a few of the frames it looks possible to drive ships within the traverse angles and ranges of some of the shore battery locations at enemy active fields. I would assume it is perfectly legitimate for either side to man shore battery guns at active fields? How about inactive fields?

Are field guns restricted to active bases or can field guns be manned from any friendly base?

"Nearest Land Base"

The restrictions for Navy aircraft based on ships states "if your CVE is sunk, use a sister ship or the nearest land base". Would it be correct to assume that means ACTIVE land base? Either way, how exactly does this in-frame transfer occur?

For instance: The FM-2 is strictly defined as a plane only available on carriers for all four frames. I would assume the FM-2 is disabled at all other fields at the start of the frame. Would the CO/GL then designate its new land base and request that the FM-2 be enabled by a CM at that field? Would it be safe to assume that once a surrogate field is chosen, that unit is restricted to that field only?

When the VMF units are on the CV's for frame 3 and 4, are the other CV's that the FM-2's use considered "Sister Ships" or do the VMF units automatically get transferred ashore for the remaining frame if Manilla Bay is sunk?

Japanese Shipping

The restrictions on the US Navy destroyer group movements for frame 1 and 2 force them to sail NW toward the Japanese start zone:

In frames 1 and 2, American shipping south of Ormoc may not move south of the 12 row or east of the 12 column.

The restrictions on the Japanese fleets is similar, except it is possible for them to sale south  into the Tanon straight between Cebu and Negros and avoid the primary objective which is to resupply the western shores of Leyte.

In frames 1 and 2, Japanese reinforcement convoys and destroyer groups may not move north of the 14 row or west of the 8 column.

Is this intentional and allowed or should there be an additional restriction on Japanese shipping to force them West first out of the Visayan Sea before being allowed south of the 14 line?

Thanks in advance...


EDIT: Just noticed what appears to be a typo in the rules - The restrictions on the Japanese fleet state that they cannot move North of the 14 row, when in fact they start North or Within the 14 row...I would assume that was supposed to read NORTH OF THE 17 ROW....
« Last Edit: July 01, 2010, 02:32:34 PM by oneway »

Offline oneway

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Re: Next scenario -- Philippine Phandango -- schedule is set
« Reply #47 on: July 01, 2010, 01:43:32 PM »
Wind question...

During Coral Sea, I was told we could not have wind start at sea level because it played havoc with the LVT's...

Seeing as we do NOT have any vehicles in this one...any chance we can try out wind starting at sea level for at least one of the four frames?


Offline perdue3

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Re: Next scenario -- Philippine Phandango -- schedule is set
« Reply #48 on: July 01, 2010, 02:43:04 PM »
Still no CO's huh?

When i register tomorrow, in preferences do i need to say "Request GL spot"?


C.O. Kommando Nowotny


Offline Beefcake

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Re: Next scenario -- Philippine Phandango -- schedule is set
« Reply #49 on: July 01, 2010, 02:58:43 PM »
Wind question...

During Coral Sea, I was told we could not have wind start at sea level because it played havoc with the LVT's...

Seeing as we do NOT have any vehicles in this one...any chance we can try out wind starting at sea level for at least one of the four frames?


This might not be a good idea right at sea level, maybe at a few hundred feet though. During DOB there was a problem where the wind started at 4k, however, one of the Spitfire bases was also at 4K. I remember reading lots of reports of broken gear on taxiing because the wind would push the planes sideways and screw up all the landings. This could be a major problem for alot of the Japanese aircraft and some of our tiny birds like the Wildcats.
Retired Bomber Dweeb - 71 "Eagle" Squadron RAF

Offline BoilerDown

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Re: Next scenario -- Philippine Phandango -- schedule is set
« Reply #50 on: July 01, 2010, 03:51:14 PM »
If landing at your home base, is it permissible to tower out (assuming you do so with a successful landing) and re-up in a new plane, thereby repairing all damage and also being quicker and less risky than heading to the re-arming pad?

Are there any rules about scouting for the enemy or staying with your group... i.e. must planes of the same squadron remain in visual contact with each other?

How are group leaders going to be assigned?  Since anyone can sign up for any group, is one spot per group going to be reserved for the CO's chosen group leader, or are the COs restricted to choosing one person only from those who signed up for each group?

Can we add a rule to designate an aircraft skin for each group?  Leaving it up to player preference leads to confusion and discussion among the group of which skin to use, when we should be discussing anything and everything else related to the mission (or being quiet).  At least it did the last time I participated in a scenario.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2010, 03:53:21 PM by BoilerDown »

This is the Captain.  We have a lil' problem with our entry sequence so we may experience some slight turbulence and then... explode.

Boildown is Twitching:

Offline Beefcake

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Re: Next scenario -- Philippine Phandango -- schedule is set
« Reply #51 on: July 01, 2010, 04:39:27 PM »
If landing at your home base, is it permissible to tower out (assuming you do so with a successful landing) and re-up in a new plane, thereby repairing all damage and also being quicker and less risky than heading to the re-arming pad?

If you land at your home field then you can tower out with no lives lost. However, in most cases the home base for alot of aircraft is further behind the lines than an active airbase, so it's not uncommon for undamaged aircraft to land at a friendly active base and refuel on the rearm pad. They just can't tower out or else they lose a life. Note that towering out is the only way for formation bombers to rearm. This is all of course depending on the rules of the event.

Are there any rules about scouting for the enemy or staying with your group... i.e. must planes of the same squadron remain in visual contact with each other?

I've never seen a rule stating that all planes must remain in visual contact. It's not uncommon for groups escorting buffs to dispatch 1-2 fighters in all directions to act as a warning screen in case enemy aircraft show up. In fact if you read the mission orders for frame 1 allies the P38 squads must detach 4 units to escort the B25's while the rest escort the B24's.

How are group leaders going to be assigned?  Since anyone can sign up for any group, is one spot per group going to be reserved for the CO's chosen group leader, or are the COs restricted to choosing one person only from those who signed up for each group?

Generally people step up to lead each group, however, it's usually up to the CO of each side to select his GL's. Also it's not uncommon to have a GL and then several squad "backup" GLs per squad in case of a problem or should the GL die in combat.

Can we add a rule to designate an aircraft skin for each group?  Leaving it up to player preference leads to confusion and discussion among the group of which skin to use, when we should be discussing anything and everything else related to the mission (or being quiet).  At least it did the last time I participated in a scenario.

Normally whenever I lead a squadron I put the skin, fuel load and bomb load in the squad MOTD and remind everyone to check that. Normally skin selection hasn't been a problem for any squad I've GL'ed or flown with so I highly doubt a rule would be added forcing a certain skin use. After all some people fly with skins off or don't download them so it would be unfair to kick them because they lack a skin.
Retired Bomber Dweeb - 71 "Eagle" Squadron RAF

Offline Fencer51

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Re: Next scenario -- Philippine Phandango -- schedule is set
« Reply #52 on: July 01, 2010, 05:44:12 PM »
Still no CO's huh?

When i register tomorrow, in preferences do i need to say "Request GL spot"?


Fudgums will the Allied Commanding Officer.

Thanks for stepping up Fudgums.  :cheers:

We are still open for offers to lead the Japanese side.
The names of the irrelevant have been changed to protect their irrelevance.
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Offline oneway

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Re: Next scenario -- Philippine Phandango -- schedule is set
« Reply #53 on: July 01, 2010, 05:51:12 PM »
Any word on the Country Order Yet...if it is in the rules I missed it...

I would guess its either 1,2,3 which makes it easier to set Axis Knight or its 2,1,3...which makes it easier to set them Bishop


Offline WMLute

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Re: Next scenario -- Philippine Phandango -- schedule is set
« Reply #54 on: July 01, 2010, 07:37:25 PM »
Wasn't registration tonight?

I get a "no database" error thingy.
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Offline kansas2

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Re: Next scenario -- Philippine Phandango -- schedule is set
« Reply #55 on: July 01, 2010, 07:38:40 PM »
Registration will open on July 2nd at 8 pm Eastern Time.

332nd Flying Mongrels

Offline Yossarian

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Re: Next scenario -- Philippine Phandango -- schedule is set
« Reply #56 on: July 01, 2010, 08:18:14 PM »
YES B-25s!!! Thank you the CMs!!!  :salute  :banana: :banana:
Afk for a year or so.  The name of a gun turret in game.  Falanx, huh? :banana:
Apparently I'm in the 20th FG 'Loco Busters', or so the legend goes.
O o

Offline Beefcake

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Re: Next scenario -- Philippine Phandango -- schedule is set
« Reply #57 on: July 01, 2010, 09:34:52 PM »
YES B-25s!!! Thank you the CMs!!!  :salute  :banana: :banana:

Yossarian if you want to fly one you better get in quick, I've only got 3 slots left.  ;)

EDIT: Actually where the heck were you for DoB and RS/KS? You would've loved flying those Desert skin B25s in DOB.
Retired Bomber Dweeb - 71 "Eagle" Squadron RAF

Offline Fencer51

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Re: Next scenario -- Philippine Phandango -- schedule is set
« Reply #58 on: July 01, 2010, 09:37:59 PM »
There are 6 slots for the B25s and they, like rest of the registrations are at a first come first served basis.  Please remember that.
The names of the irrelevant have been changed to protect their irrelevance.
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As for the innocent, everyone needs to know they are innocent –
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Offline Beefcake

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Re: Next scenario -- Philippine Phandango -- schedule is set
« Reply #59 on: July 01, 2010, 09:48:55 PM »
There are 6 slots for the B25s and they, like rest of the registrations are at a first come first served basis.  Please remember that.

This is true sir, however, I'm willing to bet that most of them will be filled by 8:01 EST PM tomorrow.  :D
Retired Bomber Dweeb - 71 "Eagle" Squadron RAF