Started playing when the game came out, I was ranked 79th position 6months into it. Did a bunch of stunt videos such as this one (skip very crappy intro to 00:35): was quite young and immature at the time, got frustrated easily, and wanted fame at all cost...Didn't even have a good taste in music as this video shows. This game partially broke me mentally and quite sincerely, ill never play it again. Taught me a great deal of lessons in not taking ANY game seriously and play just for the fun of it. It also taught me that 4000views for a video doesn't make you popular AT ALL Was a great addition after Battlefield Vietnam though, its a great game!
Anyone else play this game? I find it addicting.
I did for a year or two, I had the selection of 4 servers because my computer wouldnt download the patches.It loved it, 3 round burt with an M16 was all I needed to dominate the map.
Was me, I bumped a power cord. HiTEch
im downloading project reality right now