54th FS had P38Es to start that were upgraded to take DTs. E's were the first combat capable models but soon gave way to the F. They had 38Gs later and in time had Js and Ls.
Milo, I have the wartime 54th FS history on Microfilm. I bet we could figure out who the regular pilots of those birds were if you really want to

Watched the film again. 63 might be a G model as it only has a radio mast under the nose. 75 and 82 look to be E models. The pitot head under the nose is the usual giveaway on the 54th E models. It was moved to the wing on the F, G, H etc. The markings are pre-star and bar too so it makes me think the flight is mostly E models from 42
Oboe has done two great skins of 54th FS 38s too including one sharkmouth. The film tells me there was a second one as it's numbered 75 while the other one I know of was 93 which we have in game.
A 54th E model.

93 with the sharkmouth

One of my favorite 38 photos. A pair of 54th 38s on the prowl

Maybe from the same photo sortie?