of course individual players arent going to be booted twice a day, but there will be 2 times a day when everyone logged in gets booted.
getting booted is bad, with or without warning. when it happens for server resets with 15min warning it creates a 20min+ period when the action dies. and further time for the fights to start back up, assuming they are furballs. considerably longer for more strategic gameplay. every time this happens and I log back in, half of my squaddies have disappeared. immersion / suspension of reality falls apart too. makes the player feel like they are being manipulated rather than in control of their gameplay. disrupts the long term gameplay too, not a problem for the furballing quake-players, not great for those who want a deeper WWII combat experience.
I do see a way to get rid of dynamic caps, use fixed caps. if anyone is going to post "its been discussed a hundred times before and it wont work" dont bother, you havent understood the problem properly. there is no ideal solution, if there was it would have been implemented already. there are different solutions and each has its own pros/cons.