Author Topic: WWII online  (Read 1925 times)

Offline Tac

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Re: WWII online
« Reply #45 on: July 24, 2010, 06:02:28 PM »
its not a mindless shooter, its a multilayer game.

you are the grunt.
above you are those players that organize people to get stuff done or lead squads.
above them is the high command who actually MOVES entire army brigades in the strategic map.

the limited number of units is there to allow for attrition. If you play like this was a dumb quake-shootfest game your side will run out of units and the enemy takes over your town, making your efforts, the efforts of the organizers and the efforts of the high command fail.

camping is the result of a bad defense. Yes, the game is currently geared to end in camps and its something that is a known gameplay issue. new stuff coming down the line has potential to make spawn points dynamic so camping will be very hard then.

also, if you 'sit there for hours waiting for a kill' you're doing it wrong.

primer is:

1- defend (or capture) the flag buildings.
2- maintain zone of control (if on attack) / destroy the enemy spawn trucks (if on defense)
3- destroy enemy armor

#2 is critical and its what decides if the attack or defense ends in a camp. As an infantryman, if you're sitting in town or in a static position OTHER than the flag buildings (or surrounding buildings which are key to HOLDING the place) then you're just playing the dumb sniper kiddy that thinks the enemy will just run into his line of sight (which is usually limited to 200m).

Fact: the leading cause of death of sniper kiddies  are veteran sniper/riflemen players that are sitting 700m away, well concealed and on elevated terrain...splattering their sniperkiddy brains the moment they peek out the window.

If you're playing infantry either get to a position to defend or capture the CP's or get out in the field and protect the flanks and line of advance of your friendly infantry (from truck to town) OR get OUT in the field, FIND the enemy truck and KILL IT. Killing trucks is the #1 most important thing a rifleman can do.

If you play armor you have to use your brains. this is not like other ww2 shooters where enemy armor has hitpoints and all you need to do is slam enough shells on it to pop it. Here, if you firing at an enemy tank and the gun/ammo you're using does not have the stats to penetrate the armor thickness on the armor its hitting.. NOTHING will happen.

furthermore, if you hit the tank in a weak armored area you still may not kill it because you may be hitting a spot that has nothing to damage. aka a solid round AP shot hitting the turret from the sides but too far back will just make a hole behind the gunner's head and not hurt him.

As a newbie its best for you to stick to riflemen and the light armor as you learn. The game HAS a steep learning curve. Not steep in how to drive or shoot the units but steep in how to MOVE, where to SHOOT and when NOT to shoot.

oh.. and join any paratroop attack you can. they're grand :)

Offline Tango

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Re: WWII online
« Reply #46 on: July 24, 2010, 06:05:40 PM »
Mobile Spawning killed the game when they brought it in. You had an idea of where the front lines were because it made everyone organize to bring the infantry in with the trucks or work with the tankers. After they brought in MS, all they had to do was get one truck inside the town and set up and then you have ALL the infantry spawning into the town behind the defenders. When I left it was everyone doing there own thing from that point on.

It was ALOT different when we had 3 or 4 Opels traveling behind a column of tanks moving into town when all hell broke lose. Now its just a wack-a-mole game.
78th Razorbacks
Historical Air Combat Group

Offline Yenny

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Re: WWII online
« Reply #47 on: July 25, 2010, 06:14:01 AM »
Damn, this sounds like a great ground pounding game!
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