Author Topic: Convergence Settings  (Read 1812 times)

Offline Baumer

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Re: Convergence Settings
« Reply #45 on: July 17, 2010, 02:23:15 PM »
I will post more on this subject later, but after a long talk with Hitech on Friday I feel confident I can explain how the convergence works.

As I understand the explanation, setting you convergence in the hanger is setting the convergence point (both horizontally and vertically) for zero altitude and zero airspeed. So airspeed will play an important part in changing the hit pattern you see when you use the ".target" command.

Also and this is an important point, do not use the auto-pilot (either level/angle/speed) for testing as it will not give you a true shot grouping picture. The best way to use the .target command is to fly it manually with combat-trim off.

And one last tip, I discovered, you can set the .target command for single digit ranges. This gives you the ability to check out a few interesting views (see below).

HTC Please show the blue planes some love!
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Offline TequilaChaser

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Re: Convergence Settings
« Reply #46 on: July 17, 2010, 02:34:24 PM »
I was told 400 was a good convergence when i started. I've used it ever since.

if it works for you, then that is what you should use....... everyone should test and learn what works best for them.....

both USAAF & USN/USMC  had a limit 600 yards maximum..... anything hit beyond 600 yards was just luck..... ( it is in the USAAR & USN/USMC fighter gunnery & Buff Gunners WWII Training Manuals )

Soulyss your original theory was correct, and I've used that very successfully with larger cannons for years. 20mm's 25 - 50 farther than MG's. 30 and 37mm will take a bit more 50 - 100 longer.

Yep....... tested & verified for years

Hitech stated that the vertical convergence is there, and is set for a plane at Zero airspeed and altitude.

Once you move the speed up to 300 + that changes things. In fact the faster you are the less Vert convergience you'll see.


also, as discussed with Baumer recently..... it is prefered that manually flying and having a Properly Trimmed Aircraft when doing Convergence/Guns Testing ...... players should not rely on Auto-Pilot or use Combat Trim because of the differences these settings have on the different aircraft....

but we all know everyone thinks they are right in their own mind, and will argue til the cows come home......

as for my personal preference, my "Mental Sight Picture" is to hit when the plane size is a certian "SIZE" in my view when I fire my guns...... or when i am executing a deflection shot, etc...... which is how i have practiced using my guns converging at 350 in almost every plane in the game...... ( outside of the 25 yrds further out on cannons for cannon/mg mix like on the P38 )

quit using the icon distance and start developing a mental picture in your mind of what the plane size/shape is when you connect with hits...... this is what one should be practicing..... forget the icon distance counter is there....... ( no, I am not advocating we fly with no icons )

for what it is worth......

edit: Baumer beat me to it  :D, but what Baumer posted above  :aok
"When one considers just what they should say to a new pilot who is logging in Aces High, the mind becomes confused in the complex maze of info it is necessary for the new player to know. All of it is important; most of it vital; and all of it just too much for one brain to absorb in 1-2 lessons" TC

Offline Ghosth

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Re: Convergence Settings
« Reply #47 on: July 17, 2010, 02:38:38 PM »
"Using a 650 convergence and 650 target. The cannon rounds do have increased drop as the speed increased. At 250mph it was noticeable that the rounds where falling below rather then at the piper, at 325mph it was quit a bit below."

Emmm isn't that what I said?

Thanks for proving my point for me.
As to the other I think it was a matter of us both saying the same thing but in 2 totally different ways.
My wife and I do that all the time.

TY baumer, as always your posts are informative and thought provoking!

<S> TC good to see you following this and keeping me on track.

Offline doright

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Re: Convergence Settings
« Reply #48 on: July 17, 2010, 06:21:54 PM »
And one last tip, I discovered, you can set the .target command for single digit ranges. This gives you the ability to check out a few interesting views (see below).

This screen shot explains a lot!

"Emmm isn't that what I said?

Thanks for proving my point for me.

Yep. I listened, tested, learned something, then passed it on. I hope I just illustrated the point a bit better.
As for the ex-wife, she hated step two. How dare I to not just except her dicta!
« Last Edit: July 17, 2010, 06:30:22 PM by doright »
Armaments 3:9 "Fireth thee not in their forward quarters lest thee be beset by 200 imps and be naughty in their sight."

Offline mtnman

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Re: Convergence Settings
« Reply #49 on: July 17, 2010, 06:37:28 PM »
For those that are interested...  I took the time to put together some screen-shots of the effect different convergence settings have on trajectory.  Particularly with wing-mounted guns, having the convergence set too close can cause some pretty serious misses, and can have almost the opposite effect some people would expect.

The last few posts of this thread-,291146.0.html

As far as cannon rounds and MG rounds hitting the same place at different times...  I think a lot of that has been "over-thunk".  In a case where the target has no apparent motion (dead-six or HO) the small time difference doesn't matter, and it would probably be best if all of your rounds hit the target, rather than having some hit high or low (although the difference in actual trajectory may not be enough to matter, either, I'd have to check).

In cases where the target has apparent motion (crossing shots or shots where you're pulling lead) it's just plain impossible for a cannon round and a machine gun round fired at the same time to hit the same target, because the lead required is based on timing, much more than on trajectory.  The cannon round will require more lead, because the round takes longer to get there, allowing the target to move further to the side.  In order to pull the required lead for the cannons, the mg rounds will pass in front of the target.

Setting cannon rounds out an additional 50-75 yards effects their vertical trajectory by inches, or a foot or two at most.  That's not enough to allow for the difference in timing....  If the target is moving to the side at an apparent 120mph, and the cannon round takes 1/2 second longer than the mg round to arrive, the cannon round will pass roughly 90 feet behind the target (assuming the mg round has the correct lead to achieve hits).

It gets worse if the difference in time between impact gets longer, or the apparent side/side speed of the target increases.

There's nothing you can do with convergence settings to allow for that.

If there was...  You'd still have to fire while your wings are level and at 1G to make it work.  

As soon as you tilt your wings to the side, the apparent gravity changes, and instead of the rounds being pulled "down" (which is compensated for with the vertical tilt of the mounted guns) they're pulled to the side and down, or just to the side (if you're knife-edged), or even up and to the side or straight up (if you fire while inverted)...  All the effects of which are (A) not compensated for at all, or (B) made worse by the fact that the guns are mounted with an upward tilt to compensate for gravity in wings-level firing.

Think about it for a minute...  What happens to the trajectory curve when you roll the plane on it's back and fire?  It reverses, which has the effect of making all of your rounds appear to hit extremely high from your upside-down perspective.

When you fire while tilted to the side (to the left in this example), the guns no longer have enough vertical tilt to compensate for gravity, so the rounds hit low.  Plus, the guns which started out with an upward cant, not have a left cant instead, which makes them go left.  So now they're firing left and low, but we're not done.  The guns are also canted inward to meet at convergence.  That means that in a left bank, the guns in the right wing are tilted downward, adding to the apparent effect of gravity, making them go even lower.  But the guns in the left wing are canted upward to some extent now, making the rounds fly "flatter" than the rounds from the right wing.  We're not done yet.  Add in the fact that if you're firing while banked, most people are firing while pulling more than 1G...  Eeeks!

And extending the convergence for the cannons by 50-75 yards is supposed to overcome all of that?

Of course, there's still more at play here.  

Sometimes we fire while climbing or diving...  That makes the trajectory of the rounds flatten out.  The greatest trajectory is seen in a horizontal shot, the least is seen in a vertical shot.  Rounds that are launched straight up or down won't have any trajectory curve at all (until the upward-fired round stops and falls back).  This means that if you fire directly at the guy roping you, while you're vertical, you'd better aim "low" or you'll miss him!  Imagine the trajectory curve of a bullet fired while you're vertical.  The round will pass through the LoS earlier than "normal", and will never come back "down" through it.

And, toss in the effects that different speeds and altitudes play...

We can't compensate for all of those factors (if any??) with convergence settings.  We compensate for it by firing a stream of bullets/cannon rounds, and allow our target to fly through it.  Or get the lead right for either your MG's or cannons, and do the best you can.  And we compensate for it by doing the best we can to fire while at 1G, and with wings as level as possible, or at least to mentally compensate for the inability of our mechanical devices to compensate for the situation we're currently in...

"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not". Thomas Jefferson

Offline mtnman

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Re: Convergence Settings
« Reply #50 on: July 17, 2010, 06:46:35 PM »


The icon change occurs at-

You see "D200" =  the bad guy is somewhere between 100-299yards from you.

D400 = 300-499 yards from you.
D600 = 500-699 yards from you.

The "D" range is the mid-point of the distance spanned by the icon...

That means there are 2 "sweet-spots" for setting convergence, where you'll briefly "know" your target is at convergence range. 

One is at 300yds.  If you're closing on your target, as the icon changes from D400 to D200, fire.  He's at convergence...  Personally, I set mine at 275 to allow for my closure, and it makes it easy for me to get quick kills.

Another is at 500 yards.  You can't get your convergence to match the other icon-switch ranges of 99yds, 700yrds, 900yds, etc...

"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not". Thomas Jefferson

Offline doright

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Re: Convergence Settings
« Reply #51 on: July 17, 2010, 06:57:40 PM »,291146.0.html

Excellent post mtnman. Its seems we're beating on a dead horse, that I'm sure probably has a long history of domesticated animal volience on these boards.

No wait I think I saw it twitch. Carry on.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2010, 07:08:56 PM by doright »
Armaments 3:9 "Fireth thee not in their forward quarters lest thee be beset by 200 imps and be naughty in their sight."

Offline BaldEagl

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Re: Convergence Settings
« Reply #52 on: July 17, 2010, 08:34:40 PM »
I set everything to 650 yards except 7.9mm's, .303's, MGFF's and Rusian and Japanese cannons.  On the planes that have those guns I set them at 450 yards then pull any others in to 450 also (for instance all the spits with .303's also have the Hispanos set to 450 but in the XVI everything is set to 650). 

I like long convergences.  My hit% is still usually between 10-13%.  You just have to line up and use short bursts until you're hitting.

Last night I removed the wing from a 190 who was diving to pork one of our fields from between 600-800 yards with a 190A-8 with the big gun package.  Just a little burst will do ya... taters took care of the rest.

I see it this way;  Looking at a plane with wing mounted guns, at twice the convergence distance, the bullet spread is about the same as the distance between the guns on the plane.  Since the best guns in the game can kill at, but not beyond 1000 yards, then with convergence set at 500, the bullet spread would equal the gun spread at 1000 yards.  Because I want maximum lethality at my furthst ranges and 650 is the farthest I can set convergence, I do.  At those very long distances I want as many bullets hitting in about he same area as I can get because their velocity is diminished.

This means that at 1000 yards, my bullets still haven't spread to the distance between the guns on my plane and I'm still effectively converged out to 7-800 (hitting about the same spot on my target).

At distances closer than about 450-500 I might be more spread than someone with shorter convergence, but my bullet velocity is still high enough to compensate for fewer bullets hitting together.  Besides that, up to my convergence (650 yards), my pattern is narrowing.  Even if I spread the fuselage and hit both wing roots at close distances I'm doing good damage.  What I often see is one side hitting a wing while the other side hits the cockpit.

Anyway, that's my theory and settings.  It works for me.
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Offline mtnman

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Re: Convergence Settings
« Reply #53 on: July 17, 2010, 10:00:00 PM »
Its seems we're beating on a dead horse, that I'm sure probably has a long history of domesticated animal volience on these boards.

It's fun to discuss though, hehe!

"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not". Thomas Jefferson

Offline beau32

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Re: Convergence Settings
« Reply #54 on: July 18, 2010, 06:50:37 AM »
On all planes with .50s in the wings (mustang, corsair, F6F, ect) I have 425 inboard 400 middle, and 375 outboard. The P-47 is the same except the inboard guns are at 450, and the rest as above.
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Offline Stalwart

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Re: Convergence Settings
« Reply #55 on: July 22, 2010, 11:50:34 PM »
I need a 50 cal shotgun with, full, modified, and skeet chokes!~  :neener:

Offline froger

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Re: Convergence Settings
« Reply #56 on: July 23, 2010, 02:24:36 AM »
all guns in the game set to 300.

works ok i guess.

frogs are people too