Why would you want the hanger down?
The objective is to capture ,hold and move forward!!! And of course get cheap easy kills, after you have run the gamet with a fully loaded jug that flies like a brick!! You then deak, and out drives flakers shooting more rounds in 10 seconds than a real flak in a minute. He wont leave the pavement, so you drop and he bails!!! He then grabs another and gets killed in the hanger or bails at the sound of bombs!!! That is COWARD!!! He knowingly entered a fight and acted like a little kid and hit the reset button [.ef], to save his little cartoon tank,flak,bomber etc.This is the same as bomb and bail, and ditching to avoid being killed!! We pay to have fun and get kills, and letting people abuse these easy way out loopholes should stop!!!
Here is how I play
If I am having problems with vehicles, I drop the hangar.
Having problems with aircraft/bombs, I drop hangar or disable ord at the offending base
If I can end a sortie (successfully land) before dying, I end sortie. Whether it be aircraft or vehicle
Explain how this is a loophole to keep from DYING in a GAME. Sounds to me you are just some kid that couldnt get his way online and now comes here to cry about it