Author Topic: 31st squad  (Read 1537 times)

Offline ADog31st

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Re: 31st squad
« Reply #30 on: July 20, 2010, 09:02:10 PM »
Ok im here to speak for my self, I fly to the limits of my choosen flight (P51D) To call me a picker, is to say  that p51d pilots of WW2 were pickers. Well maybe they were . But you must know your ride well (what ever it might be) know its limits ! A good pilot who lands alot of kills, in a non perk plane , Knows his limits , and all the other planes limits as well . And stays out side of there reach !  Knoledge is key, the more you know the better you will do , and live to land your kills! Smack talk me if you like however i will give you a gift , This gift made me the pilot that i am, it's knoledge here 's a link where you can read all about the diferent planes , and how to best use the plane and its weakness .
Just click on plane of interest and read ! I have spent alot of time here reading, and reading over and over agian ! Know your enemy and his weakness and your on your way. Yes you could say diving in and picking is no skill, however like it or not there always someone coming in with more airspeed and alt that will kill you in the DA ! Good luck and <<S>> my friends and non friends!  Hello old friend i think , if you like to meet, im in the DA everynight , I fly Bish text me in the DA , and i will give you our channel! <<S>>
« Last Edit: July 20, 2010, 09:14:30 PM by ADog31st »
" Stay Back " Its the Dogs of War!

Offline Buck

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Re: 31st squad
« Reply #31 on: July 24, 2010, 09:45:22 AM »
<S> Adog ! Thanks for coming in on this thread. I tried to explain how you flew, and why you flew that way, but i guess I'm just not very good at getting things across.

I was sticking up for you, not bashing you Adog  :aok. keep flying the way you do, Cherry picking is a tactic, i used to do it all the time when i had the E and altitude advantage. Its only the first thing that enters your mind when you have the upper hand in that point & time in every kind of (cartoon ?) pilot.

I Cherry pick, as i think we all do here and there a little bit, no matter though, its only a game for fun and enjoyment in the ways we wish to play.

High and above they come down to blow them up   :airplane:   :D
<<S>> all.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2010, 10:45:12 AM by Buck »