Author Topic: Stopped by WWI arena  (Read 5722 times)

Offline Mano

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Re: Stopped by WWI arena
« Reply #30 on: July 29, 2010, 03:16:46 PM »
I have not been flying as much as I used to.......busy in the summer....

..but when I do, I usually fly the camel.

It is a challenge. I spin it in often....arghhhhh.....but there is some point in

time when you get the feel of th plane and take

it to the limit without the Crash and Burn. I hope I make it there sooner than later.

 :rofl :O :rofl
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Offline SCTusk

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Re: Stopped by WWI arena
« Reply #31 on: July 29, 2010, 11:14:19 PM »
It's encouraging to see quite a few good sticks supporting some sort of redress between the Camel and Dr1. You could debate endlessly around the way that might happen, but the fact is that the Dr1 is a good ride for the novice. The learning curve is steep in there (as I'm sure even veteran WW2 arena players would agree) so if the Dr1 was handicapped new players would likewise be further handicapped, and we don't have the numbers in there to introduce more reasons to leave.

We covered the issue re gyro effects already, there's been no action there (or anywhere else in the WW1 arena) but I'm hoping this is just a matter of time. Maybe one day soon the Camel FM will get a little tweak to allow its' famous gyroscopic turn (for which it was specifically designed, yet which only the Dr1 currently enjoys) but if not I'll gladly give up my ride in the old girl for a brand new SE5a (preferably one with a working Foster mounting on the Lewis gun).

Living upside-down here in Australia I don't often get to fly when the numbers are high, but I agree that the majority of players who frequent the WW1 arena are unsurpassed (in my experience) in their good humour, sense of fair play and general friendliness. 
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Offline F6Fraven

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Re: Stopped by WWI arena
« Reply #32 on: July 30, 2010, 12:01:06 AM »
I fly the D7 99% of the time and I have a lot of success in it, as most of you know lol! When you're flying any plane you have to be very clean with your angles but when I'm in the D7 I really have to be in the zone in all aspects of the fight. Some planes like the DR1 and F1 are very forgiving, if you make a wrong move you can sort of rely on your turning ability a bit. With the D7 a few wrong moves and you're done. I've had many fights against DR1's and F1's where I could have ended the fight in 30 secs. but because of 1 slight angle error it takes a few mins to get a shot. A general rule in the D7 is if you're in a flat turn with any other plane for more than 1 circle or 2 you've already made a huge mistake. But that doesn't mean you can't turn against other planes, you just have to switch the angles up and pull a few tricks on them.

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Re: Stopped by WWI arena
« Reply #33 on: July 30, 2010, 08:43:52 AM »
you just have to switch the angles up and pull a few tricks on them.

The best trick I've found for my D7, to ensure the guy on my six will overshoot, is to auger into a tree or building.   :D
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Offline Yeager

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Re: Stopped by WWI arena
« Reply #34 on: July 30, 2010, 09:13:26 AM »
I fly the D7 99% of the time and I have a lot of success in it, as most of you know lol!
Ive watched you and there is something unique about the way you are able to make the D7 perform.  What sort of stick set up are you using?
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Offline F6Fraven

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Re: Stopped by WWI arena
« Reply #35 on: July 30, 2010, 02:12:32 PM »
I'm using a Saitek Cyborg 3D Gold joystick with no rudder petals.

Offline Yeager

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Re: Stopped by WWI arena
« Reply #36 on: July 30, 2010, 02:45:13 PM »
You get that machine to respond so crisply.  I can see the sharpness in the movements there and all I get is mush...delayed response on all my inputs.

I'm using the default stick scaling with a Saitek AV8R.  Any recommendations there as far as stick scaling?
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Offline F6Fraven

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Re: Stopped by WWI arena
« Reply #37 on: July 30, 2010, 03:14:13 PM »
I have no clue how to set stick scaling and to be honest with you I don't even know what stick scaling is lol. But I do know that everything is very sensitive on my computer, one slight movement of the stick causes a large input. This makes it almost impossible for me to use the main gun in a tank though, I try to move the crosshairs an inch and they go all over the place lol.

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Re: Stopped by WWI arena
« Reply #38 on: July 30, 2010, 03:39:45 PM »
yeager....without looking at them...mine is set starting at far left just before bottm and staggered upward to the far right which is maxed. Deadband is nearly all the way to bottm and dampening is just above the deadband. This is set the same for all 3 axis. I use a twisty stik so maybe this can be a start for your settings. Hope this helps.

Now for raven...where have you been. I believe I owe you for a few

Offline SCTusk

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Re: Stopped by WWI arena
« Reply #39 on: July 30, 2010, 07:45:49 PM »
I have no clue how to set stick scaling and to be honest with you I don't even know what stick scaling is lol. But I do know that everything is very sensitive on my computer, one slight movement of the stick causes a large input. This makes it almost impossible for me to use the main gun in a tank though, I try to move the crosshairs an inch and they go all over the place lol.

Can I assume that F6FRaven = AKRaVeN? If that is not the case please disregard the following, with my apologies..... ok how did you manage to ace the gunnery aspect of the rankings (by a wide margin may I add) with an oversensitive stick and no clue as to what stick scaling is? Anyone else as gobsmacked as I am? My settings have been tweaked repeatedly specifically for the Camel, to that sweet spot where I can manoeuvre hard enough yet fluidly enough to maintain a decent gun platform. This setup is tailored to the Camel, if I fly anything else it's almost as bad as flying with the arrow keys. So I guess that at the moment, with the default scaling, you must feel that your controls are pretty ordinary.

I'm fairly sure when asked in the arena about your excellent shooting you mentioned practising offline before every online session. This doesn't tally with a failure to investigate and make use of the stick scaling system. I'm not trying to push any buttons here, just a little perplexed. If anything, I'm even more impressed by your gunnery. And I'm fairly certain that if you spend some time on the stick scaling your experience will improve significantly.... and the rest of us will suffer accordingly  :joystick:

If you need any help with the scaling I'd be happy to explain the basics. Less than 5 minutes to understand it, but I guarantee you'll spend hours fiddling with it. 

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Re: Stopped by WWI arena
« Reply #40 on: July 30, 2010, 08:40:04 PM »
Hi guys ... just stopped to say hi and I couldn't look the other way when it comes to  Camel and  Dr1 ... I personally enjoy the German plane but hands down to all those very good sticks flying the Camel out there .. I think is getting to the point where the Camel fliers r getting more comfortable w the plane and started to shoot down the happy trigger  Dr1's  more and more  .. ScTusk, Zmeg, Kuhnn are clear examples of a Camel well flown although there are also others that do wonders w that plane ... I must agree  the Camel is not a plane for newcomers , takes time and practice to develop the "touch" for the plane, it is good  for those willing to sacrifice time and practice in order to learn the ride and also rewarding  because once you learn your favorite plane  every kill becomes enjoyable and every death a challenge to do better next time.

The Dr1 on the other hand  is a plane where the newbie can surely turn a lot and it is easier to learn the ABC but if you really want to master that triplane and face the experienced w the possibility of victory , it surely wont happen by turning left and right  only . The Dr1  is  a slow plane if u compare it with the others and horrible on the vertical with a nasty tendency to stall if you are not careful , it climbs nicely and unstopable on tight situations but again if u expand the fight and give yourself some room to maneuver it becomes a target like any other plane. I kindly remind the readers the Dr1 pilot goes there for one thing and one thing only .. to kill as fast as he can as many as he can , the sooner the better , but he can easily become a prey when facing a skilled pilot just because this one takes his time choosing not to fly under  the Dr1 conditions. As they said it is not the plane who makes the pilot but the pilot makes the plane , whoever understand better the plane he is flying will become victorious unless the odds are staggering against him . 

Personally I cant wait for more WWI planes to be introduced so we  have other choices but as it stands now I think it is fair play for everyone .


Offline SCTusk

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Re: Stopped by WWI arena
« Reply #41 on: July 30, 2010, 10:54:10 PM »
The Dr1  is  a slow plane if u compare it with the others and horrible on the vertical with a nasty tendency to stall if you are not careful

And the Camel isn't?

it climbs nicely and unstopable on tight situations

... and the Camel doesn't and isn't. If the Camel was the equal of the Dr1 there'd be more people flying it.

the Dr1 pilot goes there for one thing and one thing only .. to kill as fast as he can as many as he can , the sooner the better

.... and that is their prerogative. Some however play for the pure enjoyment of a good fight, regardless of victory. Everyone pays the same fee, so no foul there. It just gets a bit old going up against the Dr1's flown by such experienced fliers as yourself, knowing that the fight will quickly deteriorate into a flat right hand turnfight on the deck, with the inevitable outcome. There is one plus, the challenge of coming up with a counter move. But I'm yet to find it. Starting the fight up high evens the odds a little, but not much due to the Dr1 being better in the vertical. The Camel does have some similarity to the Dr1 in that once engaged you are pretty much unable to extract, as there just isn't enough speed available. So if the Camel pilot wants a good fight, he has to avoid any Dr1 flown with confidence.

If you ever get sick of amassing large numbers of kills quickly, try a different a/c. You might enjoy the challenge  :)

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Offline F6Fraven

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Re: Stopped by WWI arena
« Reply #42 on: July 30, 2010, 11:57:55 PM »
Hey Tusk, don't worry you haven't ruffled my feathers yet : ) I've been flying in AH offline since about 1998 or 99 I think (or around that time) and I flew in Flying Circus with my dad before that when I was only a few years old. My dad AKOwl set me up with AH at that time and since I'm a pretty young person I've never really messed with any of the settings except the sound settings, so I honestly have no clue as to what stick scaling is but I assume it has to do with sensitivity? But to be honest with you, after flying with the same settings for all these years I bet even a slight change would have huge negative effects.

As far as my shooting goes, I'll give you the whole lecture again hehe. And btw, this is all my opinion. Most people join AH and go directly into the main arenas. This has its advantages and disadvantages. Like this they are able to get in the action quickly and learn the ropes of AH at a fast pace. Unfortunately though, going directly online in my opinion doesn't give them enough time to really learn how to fly an airplane to its limits, and some people may never learn how to. However, if you take some time to practice offline first you're able to learn each plane at your own pace and really get a great feel for how each plane flies, what it can and can't do and also how to shoot. From around 1998 to 2006 I had a lot of time to get to know how to control a plane. I remember spending hours just turning planes in as tight of a turn as I can going around and around, doing loops and other maneuvers and flying through hangars in different ways until I either crashed or ran out of fuel, and I still do this. I also remember shooting at offline drones going around in circles seeing how accurate I could get, how many planes I could shoot down on one ammo loadout and seeing how far I could shoot. I treat Aces High like a sport, if you want to be good at it you better do a lot of practicing first before you get into the game. Would you play in a basketball game before shooting a few hundred shots first at your own house in order to get use to it? I would hope not lol!

Offline SCTusk

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Re: Stopped by WWI arena
« Reply #43 on: July 31, 2010, 02:00:16 AM »
Thanks Raven, I always had a lot of respect for your dad, I remember we had some laughs and some good fights both with and against in those days; say hello from - ahhh - he'd remember me as SC-1Shot :)

As for practising offline you're 'preaching to the converted'. Although I find after many hundreds (thousands?) of hours in dozens of sims, with the Microsoft series as the 'home' sim, you tend to get up to speed fast enough to enjoy risking a few early 'deaths' in the arena due to lack of time on type. As for stick setup, when you've been flying around with an old worn out stick, and become used to it, then for sure when you finally replace the stick you struggle for a while. But once familiar with it, I'm fairly certain you're usually better off. I think this is a similar thing.

For what it's worth, there's some pretty good info re stick setup in AHWikki, here's the link:

If you decide to try it and get stuck, as I said before I'd be happy to help.

Salute  :salute
"We don't have a plan, so nothing can go wrong." (Spike Milligan)

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Re: Stopped by WWI arena
« Reply #44 on: July 31, 2010, 11:31:08 AM »
Just to throw a thought out there.....if you get in a dr1 and think all you got to do is get in a fight and start turning hard right circles to get the kill you will most likely die. There is alot more to the dr1 than that. Especially against a d7. If you do not learn how to fight vertical with a dr1 you are gonna die alot. The d7, although not as tight of a turner, is a very manuvarable plane. Try a barrel roll in a dr1 then try it in a d7. The dr1 is just as hard to master as the d7. The camel on other hand just simply is to weak. Wings rip way to easy and the views are horrible. If I can't keep an eye on the con throughout the fight that is not the plane of choice for me. Actually...I would have to say that the views are my biggest complaint of the camel.

I enjoy flying the d7. Fun plane to be in and will face anyone with it. But if there is many cons I will have to get in my baby...the dr1. It's just easier to face 3+ cons due to its ability to duck and turn. And for all the new pilots remember....the ability to work your stik is not all....working speed is just as crucial and always know what and who is around you at all times in a fight.

Here's a ?....How many in WW1 works there elevator trim?