250 watt power supply
Uwave 786K1 board <--- Compac house brand???
AMD Athlon 1.2 gig 266 fsb
Asus V7700 GeForce 2 w/ V6.31c drivers
128 pc133 ram, soon to be 256+128 pc133
Soundmax digital audio <---- POS sound card
running at 1024 res with 32 bit color in AH and pegged at 84-85 fps 95% of the time. i dont really like the next higher res, makes everything else too small IMO. in smoke and at the edge of coulds it gets down to the 60's. lowest its been was taking off a b17 in a field with tons of smoke and many fiters over field and i was getting 45 fps.
All this is on a flat screne by the way. its max refresh rate it 85 hz. is a normal monitor much faster? if so i probably wouldnt be able to tell the diference, and i like the flat screne much more then the round ones just for looks and watching dvds.
I'm gona be getting a 256 pc133 soon along with a new sound card. my sound card is giving me problems in RW and just all around sucks. I think the 256 will help a lot in normal web and desktop stuff, but probably not much in AH.
I think my computer will be just about maxed out after the ram. not much more i can do without spending major bucks on a new motherboard or a geforce 3, and even then i would be gaining very little in the way of FPS, just better res. and i like the res.
very happy with my setup, cant say how well the V7700 works, i would recomend it to anyone looking to up there sys.
[This message has been edited by hogfarmr (edited 05-17-2001).]