Author Topic: So Many ?'s  (Read 4121 times)

Offline Obie303

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Re: So Many ?'s
« Reply #45 on: August 10, 2010, 05:06:11 PM »
I was thinking the same thing Fugi. 

MADe, not that people don't mind helping out, but you really should try and read the help pages on the AH trainer's page.  Then, if there is something you don't understand, ask away. 

When I started, I made a book.  I still use it from time to time and I've been here four years.  Make copies of everything.  Maps, dot commands, key commands, radio controls, etc, etc. 

Good luck to you and welcome to AH. :salute
I have fought a good fight,
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I have kept the faith.
(quote on a Polish pilot's grave marker in Nottinghamshire, England)

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Re: So Many ?'s
« Reply #46 on: August 10, 2010, 05:14:12 PM »
well you did name the thread correctly :aok


welcome to AH, if ya want, ask in game I will help ya with fighting and you can help me with my targeting :t :D

 in game MORTIS is what I go by :aok

again welcome to AH

Offline DeltaFox

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Re: So Many ?'s
« Reply #47 on: August 11, 2010, 05:55:00 AM »

My new PC I built from scratch is very similar to yours.  I still find I am better off running minimum settings except if I am tanking.  I don't have a raid setup, yet, but I could up to 5 hard drives.  My limitation is my Internet connection.

Texture size,
If I choose to use 2048 texture size, whats the best shadow texture size to work with texture size?

Offline MADe

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Re: So Many ?'s
« Reply #48 on: August 11, 2010, 09:06:18 PM »
I was thinking the same thing Fugi.

MADe, not that people don't mind helping out, but you really should try and read the help pages on the AH trainer's page.  Then, if there is something you don't understand, ask away. 

When I started, I made a book.  I still use it from time to time and I've been here four years.  Make copies of everything.  Maps, dot commands, key commands, radio controls, etc, etc. 

Good luck to you and welcome to AH. :salute

OH I been reading, and viewing. Exact game functions are not always named for what they are. Hence the ?'s.........
ASROCK X99 Taichi, INTEL i7 6850@4.5GHz, GIGABYTE GTX 1070G1, Kingston HyperX 3000MHz DDR4, OCZ 256GB RD400, Seasonic 750W PSU, SONY BRAVIA 48W600B, Windows 10 Pro /64

Offline MADe

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Re: So Many ?'s
« Reply #49 on: August 12, 2010, 12:48:49 PM »
I have the aileron and elevator trim on an axis, now.
Combat Trim on over rides the axis input yes? Does "combat trim" off returns control back to axis where previously set?
What does "trim set" do?

ps If you feel put upon by my questions, don't answer then. I do not want to read a book to get an answer to a specific questions. Hence the post, my personal fact finding tour.
 HELP and TRAINING is the tab I believe. I will never feel begrudged for using it as such.

Been given many good responses overall *S*.
ASROCK X99 Taichi, INTEL i7 6850@4.5GHz, GIGABYTE GTX 1070G1, Kingston HyperX 3000MHz DDR4, OCZ 256GB RD400, Seasonic 750W PSU, SONY BRAVIA 48W600B, Windows 10 Pro /64

Offline Soulyss

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Re: So Many ?'s
« Reply #50 on: August 12, 2010, 12:54:14 PM »
Combat Trim is sort of an auto trimming system so it will take over and re-trim the aircraft on the fly.  If you send any trim commands manually Combat Trim will automatically switch off.
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Offline ImADot

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Re: So Many ?'s
« Reply #51 on: August 12, 2010, 12:54:49 PM »
Yes, Combat Trim (CT) overrides your current manual trim settings.  When you turn off CT, your trim stays where it is.  If you manually set a trim with CT on, it will turn off CT for you.
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Re: So Many ?'s
« Reply #52 on: August 12, 2010, 03:02:40 PM »
Addressing a couple of things.

1)  Why does the game minimize when you <ALT><TAB>?

This is a design choice.  Aces High is not designed to run in Windowed mode, wihch precludes any other Windows application from coming to the primary focus.  Any application getting primary focus will cause Windows itself to minimize the game.

2)  Maximum Texture Size.

The game currently uses 1024 texture sizes as the high resolution texture.  I see some say something about using 2048.  I assume you mean the "shadow" texture size, as there is no drop down size for the "Maximum Texture Size" above 1024.
The shadow texture size, in Options->Graphic Details->Advanced are strictly for the shadow texture.  By the way, a 2048 sized shadow texture will take 32MB of video RAM.  Just FYI.
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese

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Re: So Many ?'s
« Reply #53 on: August 12, 2010, 03:21:47 PM »
The game currently uses 1024 texture sizes as the high resolution texture.  I see some say something about using 2048.  I assume you mean the "shadow" texture size, as there is no drop down size for the "Maximum Texture Size" above 1024.

Really?  I'll have to check when I get home, but could swear the video settings from the main screen (before going online) now gives a choice of 2048 for textures.  Perhaps the game doesn't yet support it and falls back to 1024, but I think the option is there.

And I think the shadow texture size dropdown goes all the way up to 8192.
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Re: So Many ?'s
« Reply #54 on: August 12, 2010, 04:55:54 PM »
Sheesh, they never tell me anything.

Ok, the option for 2048 is there, but it really does not do anything, at the moment as there are no 2048 textures in the game.

Yes, the shadow texture size goes to 8192 (512MB for ONE texture).
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese

Offline FLS

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Re: So Many ?'s
« Reply #55 on: August 12, 2010, 05:15:43 PM »
I have the aileron and elevator trim on an axis, now.
Combat Trim on over rides the axis input yes? Does "combat trim" off returns control back to axis where previously set?
What does "trim set" do?

When you use an axis for trim it returns to that position when you turn combat trim off.

I haven't used the "trim set" command. I believe it sets the trim to your current control position.

Edited for trim set.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2010, 06:45:03 PM by FLS »

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Re: So Many ?'s
« Reply #56 on: August 12, 2010, 08:26:09 PM »
Here's Pyro on combat trim and trim set.

Quote from: Pyro on November 16, 2006, 08:52:23 AM
Combat trim is simply a lookup table of trim settings.  For example, if you are doing 200 mph and have combat trim enabled, it will go to a table and lookup your speed and set the three trims to whatever corresponds to the 200 mph entry.  Combat trim is meant to keep you trimmed condition for just one condition- military power at a standard fuel and ordnance load.  Change your throttle settings, drop your flaps, change your loadout, etc. and combat trim may no longer hold you in a trimmed out condition.  For those conditions, you need to use manual trim to get your plane trimmed out.  If you use combat trim all the time, you'll notice that when you're on final approach with power reduced and gear and flaps down, you're out of trim by a good deal and are having to put in a lot of joystick and rudder input to hold your plane at the correct attitude.  If you want to get your plane trimmed out in these other conditions, you'll need to use the manual trim system when you're in those conditions.

As soon as you start dialing in some manual trim, your combat trim will be disabled.  To reenable it, you either need to press the combat trim key or there is an option in the flight setup that automatically enables combat trim whenever you leave autopilot mode. 

So you're on final with your power reduced and flaps and gear down and combat trim has you out of trim.  You're having to push forward on the stick to keep your nose from coming up.  You start repeatedly hitting the down trim key to alleviate this.  As you dial in more elevator trim, you can start relaxing the amount of joystick input you are giving until the stick is centered.  You would then rinse and repeat for the aileron and rudder trims and that should put you in a trimmed out condition.   

What the new feature does is move all three of those trims for you when you make a single button press.  Going back to the above example, how I would trim out my plane on final approach would be to hold the correct amount of elevator, aileron, and rudder input to keep the plane flying like I want it to.  Then I just hit the set trim button and it looks at how much input I'm giving to each axis and begins dialing in trim to get each of those axes back to a neutral position.  As it does this I just begin relaxing the amount of deflection I'm feeding into the joystick and rudder until they are neutral. 

This is just an addition to the manual trim system.  It doesn't replace anything.  If you don't use it, you wouldn't know that anything has changed. 

Although the outcome is essentially the same, trim is different in a PC sim versus a real aircraft because PC's have self-centering spring loaded sticks.

Offline Agent360

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Re: So Many ?'s
« Reply #57 on: August 12, 2010, 10:53:21 PM »
I was not aware of a "set trim" button. Is the the same as "combat trim" on and off?

This means one can be flying say in a slow scissor and hit the "set trim" button and this will set trim for this condition. Is this correct?

If this is the case then one can fly the plane manually to their liking and then set trim for that input condition.

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Re: So Many ?'s
« Reply #58 on: August 12, 2010, 11:13:07 PM »
Trim Set is set using the period key.

If you are in 70* left bank, 10* nose up, with top rudder, trim set would attempt to set all three control trims so that you could neutralize your stick and pedals, but still maintain that same attitude. That probably isn't what you want to do in a fight.

It's function is explained in the post above yours, starting with "What this new feature does..."

Offline ImADot

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Re: So Many ?'s
« Reply #59 on: August 13, 2010, 09:19:31 AM »
Trim Set is set using the period key.

If you are in 70* left bank, 10* nose up, with top rudder, trim set would attempt to set all three control trims so that you could neutralize your stick and pedals, but still maintain that same attitude. That probably isn't what you want to do in a fight.

It's function is explained in the post above yours, starting with "What this new feature does..."

Dang, man...gonna have to try that - never knew about the period key function.  I've always fiddled with my manual trim switches on my throttle to do that.   :aok
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