Author Topic: So Many ?'s  (Read 4122 times)

Offline MADe

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So Many ?'s
« on: August 05, 2010, 08:36:40 PM »
What is the actual name of the function, for the term "gunnery zoom"? Do you need zoom toggle to use zoom function?
 How do you escape from radio transparency once you have summoned it?
  My first death was strange, I heard or saw nothing, just blinked back to tower. Are all deaths so quick and easy, why were there no pieces with me falling to earth?
   I understand that all teams have all planes available. Now everybody has thier plane of choice if possible, so how do the teams fall out? I mean is there a team where German flyers usually just fly for. Do US fliers congregate to a specific team? You see what I'm asking I hope. Do specific squads fly only the same team and plane? or is it a mishmash every new map?
    What are the squad on squad rivalries? I do not mean this in the nasty way but what goes on in this sandbox?
      I got the game settings maxed, 4096 shadow text, all checked, Hi res pack loaded. I get mostly 60fps, 60fps is the cap yes? I was in last night no issues hardware wise.

ASROCK X99 Taichi, INTEL i7 6850@4.5GHz, GIGABYTE GTX 1070G1, Kingston HyperX 3000MHz DDR4, OCZ 256GB RD400, Seasonic 750W PSU, SONY BRAVIA 48W600B, Windows 10 Pro /64

Offline Krusty

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Re: So Many ?'s
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2010, 10:14:29 PM »
What is the actual name of the function, for the term "gunnery zoom"? Do you need zoom toggle to use zoom function?
 How do you escape from radio transparency once you have summoned it?
  My first death was strange, I heard or saw nothing, just blinked back to tower. Are all deaths so quick and easy, why were there no pieces with me falling to earth?
   I understand that all teams have all planes available. Now everybody has thier plane of choice if possible, so how do the teams fall out? I mean is there a team where German flyers usually just fly for. Do US fliers congregate to a specific team? You see what I'm asking I hope. Do specific squads fly only the same team and plane? or is it a mishmash every new map?
    What are the squad on squad rivalries? I do not mean this in the nasty way but what goes on in this sandbox?
      I got the game settings maxed, 4096 shadow text, all checked, Hi res pack loaded. I get mostly 60fps, 60fps is the cap yes? I was in last night no issues hardware wise.


1) One toggles zoom but uses different keys to zoom in or out from the DEFAULT ZOOM level once zoom is engaged. Zooming in or out while "toggle zoom" is turned off will appear to do nothing.

2) Hit enter with your cursor in the text entry box or ESC. If you click off the text entry area so that your mouse cursor is no longer blinking you "may" (not sure) have to click back in the text field then his ESC.

2.A) Go into the key setup and REMAP YOUR EJECT BUTTON. It used to default to "ENTER" so that if you hit it 3x it would eject you. For those of us that type quickly we have more than once ejected in mid-flight from hitting "ENTER" to send a line of text 3x quickly. I remapped mine to "\" which is just above ENTER but won't interfere with my usual "jab at the eject key" muscle memory.

3) When YOU die (your pilot, the entire plane goes BOOM) you are back in the tower. When you are shot to pieces you ride it down. It's a gameplay issue, is all. As soon as you're totally gone from the arena you'll be back in the tower. This includes crashing into things at high speed (such as the ground, trees, or buildings) Most times you will HEAR some indication of what happened, though. Most.

3) Despite some people saying the teams are all the same, any pilot that's been around long enough knows better. However, the breakdown is not so much what they fly as HOW they fly. It's more of a subtle personality difference. For example, Knights (where I fly mostly) have some very skilled pilots that love to mix it up and really really (REALLY, sorry knits) suck at coordinating a field capture. Rooks would be more likely to come in 20k over the fight, run if threatened, but have mastered the 100-person-suicide-jabo-field-capture (not as much of an exaggeration as you might think!), and the Bish... Well the Bish used to be more skilled, willing to come in at lower alts and actually give you a good run for your money. NOWADAYS, however, the lines are blurring more as I'm seeing a much more dynamic blending of all subtle shades in any given country. Past 2-3 years it's been less distinct.

3.A) Switch it up! Find some folks you like, fly with them, rotate. IGNORE ALL WHO SAY SWITCHING IS LAME! They blow a mental gasket at the thought of "spies" and have lost half their grip on reality. There are some that vehemently tell others to "leave <fill in the blank nation> now, spy!" and the best thing you can do is ignore them the rest of your life and switch whenever and wherever you want/like.

4) There really aren't many rivalries so much as you think. Not squad vs squad. More like folks get to know a squad, and if it's a 1-country squad they might take note of a squad's presence in some action (i.e. defending a CV, or taking a field, whatever).

5) 60 FPS is your monitor's refresh limit. You have VSYNC enabled. Leave it enabled. VSYNC off can show you more of a true measure of your FPS performance, however it can lead to some issues like rubber bullets (where bullets impact but do no damage to the target). Best to use it to test then turn it back on again so you're capped at your refresh rate. Also, your FPS is dynamic. You might get 60 on max settings when offline or in a calm area or at 35K, but you enter a low furball with a million trees, a CV offshore on fire, flames billowing from a bomber nearby, ack going off, tanks entering your visual display range, and all of a sudden that 60 FPS may become 15. It's a matter of tweaking it for worst case scenarios (like I just described) so don't feel back about lowering some of the settings later on if it lowers a little. Also be on the lookout for little "hitches" or "stutters" when planes enter certain ranges. Depending on your hardware/performance, you might get them and they might really screw with your merges, your aim, because it's loading those high-res textures. If it happens consider lowering the shadow resolution (or the game texure resolution down to 512).
« Last Edit: August 05, 2010, 10:16:09 PM by Krusty »

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Re: So Many ?'s
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2010, 06:38:27 AM »
Nicely done Krusty.
Roy "Skuzzy" Neese

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Re: So Many ?'s
« Reply #3 on: August 06, 2010, 07:05:05 AM »
Now everybody has thier plane of choice if possible, so how do the teams fall out? I mean is there a team where German flyers usually just fly for. Do US fliers congregate to a specific team? You see what I'm asking I hope. Do specific squads fly only the same team and plane? or is it a mishmash every new map?

I may elaborate on this:
Actually most (but far from all) Germans are on Knights, because there are so few of us and there is only one real "German" Squadron in the game (The Black Knights (GER)). Similar goes for the Finns, who are mostly Rooks because their two squads (Lentolaivue 34 & 36) are. But there are many Germans in "international" squads scattered all over the teams.
Americans make up the majority of AH players, it would be a pretty lopsided game if they all gathered on one side of the fence ;)

What & where any squad is flying is very different from squad to squad. Most are pretty much "loyal" and stay on the side they have chosen, some routinely switch teams every few tours, a few squads (minority) switch constantly, just looking for a place to have a good fight.
Same goes for plane choice: Some squads have a historical "theme" and confine themselves to a specific plane or planeset (often depending on what their historical antetype used), some are just a bunch of guys flying together and don't impose any limits on their members.
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Offline MADe

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Re: So Many ?'s
« Reply #4 on: August 06, 2010, 12:09:37 PM »
Excellant responses.
ASROCK X99 Taichi, INTEL i7 6850@4.5GHz, GIGABYTE GTX 1070G1, Kingston HyperX 3000MHz DDR4, OCZ 256GB RD400, Seasonic 750W PSU, SONY BRAVIA 48W600B, Windows 10 Pro /64

Offline MADe

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Re: So Many ?'s
« Reply #5 on: August 06, 2010, 01:15:16 PM »

The padlock function, how does it activate for enemy? for friend? and what type of view does it give me? I have started a set up, but I seem to see just a moving hilight box around an enemy icon.

As far as the orchestration of battles. Is there a set command heirarchy in place in the different teams, for special event battles or is it a come as you are affair like the day to day arenas?

Any hints or tips that would help an AH rookie?
ASROCK X99 Taichi, INTEL i7 6850@4.5GHz, GIGABYTE GTX 1070G1, Kingston HyperX 3000MHz DDR4, OCZ 256GB RD400, Seasonic 750W PSU, SONY BRAVIA 48W600B, Windows 10 Pro /64

Offline ImADot

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Re: So Many ?'s
« Reply #6 on: August 06, 2010, 01:50:11 PM »
Padlock...most in AH don't even know it's a view choice.  Tab key cycles through visible enemies, F11 toggle on the padlock view system (F1 goes back to normal view system).  It's an Ok system for 1v1 fights, but since it focuses your view on only one object, your Situational Awareness (SA) suffers in a multi-object engagement.

There is no single CiC for a "country" in the main arenas - as much as some would like to wear that crown; there is no chain of command.  Special Events (FSO, Scenarios, Snapshots, etc.) are a whole different thing.

Anyone who knows how can create a mission in the arena and beg (sometimes spam) everyone to join it.

As others have said, fly around for a while, talk to people, switch sides, meet more people, have fun.  Oh, did I mention you should switch sides and meet people?   :D

If you haven't already done so, download and print this 1-page Quick Reference.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2010, 01:52:08 PM by ImADot »
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GigaByte GA-X99-UD4 Mobo w/ 16Gb RAM
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Offline Soulyss

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Re: So Many ?'s
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2010, 02:08:23 PM »
Another thing about the AH padlock and how it differs from the how the FA worked (or at least how I understand it).  To lock a target up you must fist be looking at them.  I was told that in FA you could cycle through targets with the press of a button and the view would automatically find them.  In Aces High you must maintain your situational awareness by manually looking around. 

If you aren't familiar with the AH view system and how to customize your cockpit views head on over to where you can find an article titled "Setting your Views" in the Learning to Fly section.  I would encourage you to experiment with both the padlock system and the manual system and find which works best for you.

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Offline MADe

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Re: So Many ?'s
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2010, 02:10:18 PM »
I noticed that the windows key and ctrl alt delete lead to the game closing. Is there a pause button? How do you return to desktop without crashing game?

Does disabling plane skins disable nose art as well? Only squads are nose art enabled?

What scoring, if any, is tied to parachuting? I walked back to my base last time out. I luv the pistol!

TY for the padlock education, try to implement it now. :aok

Also would you mind using the names of the padlock functions instead of keyboard placement. I've remapped and .........................
Theres 4 functions I believe.

How do you dump FPS text in game screen?

« Last Edit: August 06, 2010, 02:28:24 PM by MADe »
ASROCK X99 Taichi, INTEL i7 6850@4.5GHz, GIGABYTE GTX 1070G1, Kingston HyperX 3000MHz DDR4, OCZ 256GB RD400, Seasonic 750W PSU, SONY BRAVIA 48W600B, Windows 10 Pro /64

Offline Ghosth

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Re: So Many ?'s
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2010, 02:19:33 PM »
Windows key or control tab should drop you to desktop, not crash the game.

Alt F4 should dump you to desktop with the game closed.

Offline MADe

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Re: So Many ?'s
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2010, 02:29:41 PM »
Windows key or control tab should drop you to desktop, not crash the game.

Alt F4 should dump you to desktop with the game closed.

Hmmmm, I get a pop up saying game was forced to close or some such......................... ....
ASROCK X99 Taichi, INTEL i7 6850@4.5GHz, GIGABYTE GTX 1070G1, Kingston HyperX 3000MHz DDR4, OCZ 256GB RD400, Seasonic 750W PSU, SONY BRAVIA 48W600B, Windows 10 Pro /64

Offline Soulyss

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Re: So Many ?'s
« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2010, 02:32:13 PM »
There isn't a true "pause" function the game world progresses in real time regardless of what you do. If you need to go to the Windows desktop you can probably just hit ALT+TAB to minimize AH although that can cause problems as well.

Nose art is tied to the squad, and shouldn't be affected by whether plane skins are disabled or not (I think).

There are five different ways to end a sortie as far as scoring is concerned.  The first is a "successful landing" which can only be achieved by landing your plane on the concrete/pavement portion of the air/vehicle field, port or the deck of a carrier.  The next possible outcome  is "ditched" which is landing or crash landing your airplane in friendly territory (ie closer to a friendly base than enemy) and coming to a stop on anything other than concrete/pavement.  Next we have "bailed successfully" which is parachuting out of plane and landing closer to a friendly base than an enemy base.  If you land your plane or bail out and land in enemy territory you will be "captured" upon ending flight, this will hurt your scoring more than any of the previous results.  Finally and perhaps the one I am most familiar with, you can always get the good 'ol "death". :)

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Re: So Many ?'s
« Reply #12 on: August 06, 2010, 02:58:10 PM »
Hmmmm, I get a pop up saying game was forced to close or some such......................... ....

which key combination did you use?

Alt-Tab is the best way to minimize the game , using Alt-Tab again should bring the game back full screen

you will be better off not using the windows key, or using the combination of Ctrl-Alt-Del, especially if your OS is Windows 7,  in windows 7 these key combinations perform a bit differently than they used to back in Windows XP

Alt-F4  key combination will immediately shutdown  Aces High game.  you may receive pop up warnings similar as to what you have described, especially if you have the UAC enabled in Windows 7

( least that is from my experience, I also have Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit on one of my partitions as well as Windows XP Pro 32 bit on another partition )

- to get rid of the "FPS Text"  you can toggle this function on and off by simultaneously pressing the  Ctrl I  keys, pressing  Ctrl I will toggle the FPS text on or off

hope this helps
« Last Edit: August 06, 2010, 03:02:04 PM by TequilaChaser »
"When one considers just what they should say to a new pilot who is logging in Aces High, the mind becomes confused in the complex maze of info it is necessary for the new player to know. All of it is important; most of it vital; and all of it just too much for one brain to absorb in 1-2 lessons" TC

Offline MADe

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Re: So Many ?'s
« Reply #13 on: August 06, 2010, 04:21:34 PM »
Windows key or control tab should drop you to desktop, not crash the game.

Alt F4 should dump you to desktop with the game closed.

Its not returning to desktop that causes crash, its trying to call up the task manager thats causing issue. I want to play with games cpu core assignments and priority levels. Am I prohibited?
ASROCK X99 Taichi, INTEL i7 6850@4.5GHz, GIGABYTE GTX 1070G1, Kingston HyperX 3000MHz DDR4, OCZ 256GB RD400, Seasonic 750W PSU, SONY BRAVIA 48W600B, Windows 10 Pro /64

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Re: So Many ?'s
« Reply #14 on: August 06, 2010, 04:30:12 PM »
MadE - Cheers!  Great to see you in game...I haven't been flying PC and my kid bought me Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2.....fantastic games!

Anyway, Padlock is hokey - it is not smooth and is very klunky.  I set up a TrackIR/FreeTrack IR and just move my head around.  I think if I spent the time I could tweak the padlock settings and make it acceptable, but I haven't yet.

ALT F4 closes Aces High - don't listen to the dolts who say 'Hit ALT F4, it will ________"

The game 'auto minimizes' when you ALT-TAB out for some strange reason.  I asked why that happens and got no response other than "they are never going to change it".  I would be nice to surf the web on my dual monitor or check DrudgeReport (LOL) on those long flights to the action.  In FA you could ALT TAB out, play with your TeamSpeak etc, and keep an eye on your flight, and the Joystick would still work as well.

What I have found to be helpful that they didn't have in FA is to use the autopilot...Hit the AutoPilot - 'X' or AutoClimb 'SHIFT X' and then ALT TAB out.  You can at least be sure your plane isn't spiraling into the ground when you check your Facebook...LOL.

Spend time in the training room, but make sure you go to field A1.  The training folks here are top notch and very helpful.

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