Is there a set of Flight School Training Programs in Aces High? If not, can one be set up?
Last week I took off from Aces High and flew Microsoft Flight Sim X for a while. Funny thing – I remembered how much I really enjoy just flying. Then, I went in for FSO and my frustration level started to rise. Over the course of the weekend, and in direct proportion to frustration level I began to turn from frustrated, to crabby, then annoyed, aggravated, short-tempered, angry, and finally ragefull InCrypt.
I have heard Aces High being analogized to a drug – worse than crack – and in this one aspect it is defiantly true with me: Personality change. My family does not like it when I fly Aces High, because I always turn into a nasty grouch when I’ve been in it. My wife said that I was pleasant last week; I sat and talked with her and the kids, I was excited about where I had flown in FSX. Over the weekend this changed profoundly. Since I prefer to measure my time in Aces High as the integral emergence of one divorce event to the next, I can say that I am at about 0.8 Divorce units.
In an effort to avoid reaching Divorce Unit 1.0 I have spent considerable time trying to ascertain the source of my problem. Some things that I have considered:
1) Is it that I almost always fly MidWar?
2) Is it that I am getting shot down by the same small group of players - ALL the time?
3) Is it the guys in the squad I fly with? (That one I answered immediately: Absolutely not, they are an awesome bunch of guys, and if anything my frustration – oozing out over the radio with bad language and defeatist attitude – is actually a detriment to them.)
These posibilies, and many more, have been inspected, analyzed, and each rejected in turn. My current theory, newly formed, is that I get frustrated because have no intermediate measures of success, and no road-map to achieve mastery. The open ended nature of the game is great, if you’ve got 10 years in and have already mastered it. But from a new-guy’s perspective, and I’ve been in for seven months now, it can suck – big time. “The Learning Curve is steep” I’ve heard many say. That being true, it results in new guys being cannon fodder for the more experienced, and I haven’t found that very enjoyable. I’ve also heard that this “Learning time” can last from 1 to 2 years. A bleak prospect at best. But, I figured, if I just poured time at the problem then I could short cycle the learning curve and get there sooner.
In that effort I’ve tried to use the resources available, I’ve been in the TA, and I’ve been working with the trainers. I’ve talked with GhostH, Morfiend, FLS, Rodent, Mace and BigRat. I worked extensively GhostH on turn fighting, with BigRat trying to sort out the F4U, with Mace on ACM. Have I improved? Yeah, I suppose so. The stats say I have. GhostH graduated me, BigRat and FLS both say all I need now is stick time, and Mace says he estimates I’m at about RAG ACM level – in Navy Parlance. But on the whole, my Aces High experience really feels more like I’m just floundering around hoping some day I get it.
What I really am looking for, however, is full out FLIGHT TRAINING! I’m looking for a program that processes new guys into competent fighters. A program which has instructors working with you, in some form of structured training program, offering classes over a period of time, providing training materials, setting goals with progressive levels of difficulty; assigning homework and such, so that I can see, feel, and experience progress. I’ve been looking for this, talking to the trainers, reading the post, purchasing books, but have yet to really find it. I’ve even been looking in the real world, going as far as contacting a local flight school asking about ACM training for Combat Flight Simulators – (And boy, that turned into a very weird conversation!)
As I’ve experienced it, the current system of training in Aces High is more geared to “What’s your problem tonight?”, and though the Trainers are all Awesome in this respect, there is a void I see which still needs to be filled, a flight school. I would envision different levels of classes, from those learning how to fly (Basic Flight Class 15 weeks), to those who need to master BCM and ACM (RAG ACM Class 15 weeks), all the way to Masters and PhD programs (Top Gun Class 15 weeks). Probably need a couple of trainers who can evaluate and place prospective candidates in the appropriate class and such. Because in real life, you don’t throw raw recruits into the deep end with the 10 year sharks – It's a quick way to get rid of new recruits!
As you can see, the angst and pain this has been causing has prompted me to put considerable thought into how to remediate the problem, for both myself, and anyone else who finds themselves in a similar situation – trying to avoid Divorce Unit X.0 while trying to also master Aces High.