After some slow researching (I have little free time these days), I have come to the following deficiencies in my skin:
- Missing some stencils that were present on 8693 Feb 1942
- Yellow chin (I've come around after looking at many sources claiming 8693 had the yellow cooler)
- Specific weathering seen on Marseille's plane also Feb 1942 time frame
- Whitewall on tail wheel (not on main wheels)
- Different style balkenkreuze
However, the main area of contention is this:
Rudder and Wingtips. Did 8693 have red rudder, no white tips, and the later versions just the opposite (white tips, sandgelb rudder)?
I'm not totally convinced on the absence of the white tips. I've seen a fair quality picture of the underside and it APPEARs to have a demarcation line... However it also has some weathering spot in this area. Is that spot making an ordinary panel line look dirty and there's really no demarcation?
It's a back and forth I've been having for a while.
While leading up to, during, and after, this time frame various 109Fs in the JG27 Gruppen had white wingtips above and below the wingtips, it doesn't see a constant application. That leaves it up to a plane-by-plane basis.
I've decided I will redo the skin with all of the above deficiencies remedied. I will take the stance (for now) that the red rudder and white wingtips were mutually exclusive.
My options then are, do I remove the red, or do I remove the white? I think this is an easy question. I personally think the red rudder makes the skin stand out. I think it really adds something to the plane. Therefore I will remove the white from the wingtips (as well as correct the wrknr to 8693).
Don't expect it soon. Look how long it took me to do this research! I don't skin nearly as much as I used to when going full time through college. I had much more flexibility in my free time then.