Author Topic: New to Scenarios looking for advice  (Read 2304 times)

Offline milesobrian

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New to Scenarios looking for advice
« on: August 15, 2010, 11:07:17 PM »
Greetings ive been playing this game for well over a year now, and the regular late war arena is getting kinda old, and im looking to find new life in this game and historical scenarios is something i am definitely interested in (using the planes against their historical opponents).

When is the next event like this and what are other things i should know before, like etiquette and other nuances of these special events.


Chief O'Brian

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Re: New to Scenarios looking for advice
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2010, 11:18:27 PM »
Currently there is a scenario running called "Philippine Phandango" which is the Americans vs the Japanese around Leyte Gulf. It runs Saturday at 3pm est and you can walk on and get assigned to a side, then to a ride if a specific one is available. Available rides are:
and a possibility of B25s or B24s.

The IJN and IJAAF have:

If you arrive in SEAII at 2:45 or so you will be assigned a side around 3.

Scenarios are very fun and definitely as historical as they get in a game.

Other events are run as well such as FSO (Friday Night Squad Ops) which is another event that is ran the first 3 Fridays of the month at 11pm est, however you must be in a squad to fly in that.

There are many other events like Snapshots that are historical as well, but they are much quicker of a scenario. They are ran on Wednesdays at 10pm est and usually run for about 1 hr for the first frame, then usually a furball frame is done. has most of the info for the events and you can read up more on the scenarios, FSOs, and snapshots. Welcome to the scenario community...and try to show up for the next frame in the current doubt you'll have fun!
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Offline Wildcat1

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Re: New to Scenarios looking for advice
« Reply #2 on: August 16, 2010, 12:06:03 AM »
one thing you have to keep in mind, you might be flying for 40-60 minutes before you see any action, but i tell you, when you do see action, you will see alot of it.

scenarios are alot of fun, a great way to learn about WW2 history as well.

btw, im recruiting for my fm2 squad in Phillipine Phandango, we have some great fliers :aok
having fun and getting killed since tour 110
The King of 'Cobras. 350th FG, Tunisia 2016

Air Traffic Controller (Air Warfare/Surface Warfare) 2nd Class, USS John C. Stennis CVN-74

Offline Brooke

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Re: New to Scenarios looking for advice
« Reply #3 on: August 16, 2010, 12:06:39 AM »
When is the next event like this and what are other things i should know before, like etiquette and other nuances of these special events.

Here is information on the currently running scenario.  Please join us -- we'd love you to fly in it.

Just show up at or before 3 pm Eastern Time in Special Events II Arena on Saturday and read the Arena Message.

If you want more information about the setup of the scenario (a summary of the history it is based on, what the plane sets are, what the objectives and constraints are, etc.), you can read the rules writeup.  You don't need to know all of those details (beyond about the first page) to play in the scenario, but you can look at it if interested.

Offline OOZ662

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Re: New to Scenarios looking for advice
« Reply #4 on: August 16, 2010, 06:25:50 AM »
Tell your Group Lead(GL) before take off, generally through the text buffer as VOX tends to clutter a bit just before frame start, that you're new to the scenario world. He'll likely go over the day's orders, the loadout for the first sortie, and a general overview of the rules (how many lives you get, ROE, where you can rearm or replane, etc.). If you plan to/feel the need to/have the idea to do ANYTHING outside the scope of the orders he's given, ask first. It may be a great idea, it may be against the rules. A good GL would much rather be asked a lot of simple questions than discover one of his group has broken a rule under his nose. Eventually (if you stay in Scenarios) you'll get used to the basic flow of things, you'll get used to picking up on specific information as you read the rules, and you won't have to ask so much...or even become a GL yourself.

Please, please follow the orders you are given. If you discover that it just isn't your gig, don't cause havoc. We've had quite a few of the younger players show up to the summer scenarios and get bored after expecting an immediate dogfight; that's all well and good, their right, etc. Unfortunately, said players sometimes go "rogue" and meander about breaking rules and ruining it for the other players, which then ties up the CMs with the process of removing them from the event...which generally leaves said player with a "they're a bunch of meanies" mindset. :D If you discover you don't enjoy the event, we'd appreciate leaving quietly...but, I think you'll like things just fine. :)

So, in summary; follow the group lead, read and follow the rules, don't cause undue havoc, and you'll likely have a pleasant experience. I find that Scenarios present a unique atmosphere in which even if your group has a bad frame (very few kills, get romped by the enemy), you still have fun. Might rabble amongst each other about how things went, but overall, I find myself back each Saturday. :)

There are two methods for joining us each Saturday; as a walkon or as a registered player.
Being a walkon means a bit more freedom; you aren't "tied" to the event in any way, but as a trade-off you may not get to fly the plane you want or even on the country you prefer. Once you do fly with a group, however, you generally become sort of a "welcome guest;" most walkons tend to stick with the group they've flown with before throughout the event. You'll note before the frame, the CMs will be calling "all walkons to X field on X country for assignment." This isn't a mandatory process; if you aren't registered, but you know where you want to be and who or what you want to fly, go there first and you'll likely get a spot. If the group is full, though, you may have to be shifted elsewhere.
A registered player signs up for the event beforehand via the AHEvents website. Doing so gives them a guaranteed spot for what they register in, however it also implies a willingness to show up for the entirety of the event (or, if you need to miss a frame or two, specify such in the Comments section of the registration and make sure your GL knows). Because of their guaranteed affiliation, registered players gain access to a special forum for the side they signed up for where orders, strategies, and other country-private things are discussed. Most importantly, this is where the final orders are given out. If you have your orders memorized before the frame, it's much easier on the GL. If you're a "command staff" member (CO or XO for the country, Group Leaders, and sometimes Flight Leaders), you'll also get access to your country's Command Forum in which even finer, not-necessary-for-the-masses discussions are held.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2010, 06:47:38 AM by OOZ662 »
A Rook who first flew 09/26/03 at the age of 13, has been a GL in 10+ Scenarios, and was two-time Points and First Annual 68KO Cup winner of the AH Extreme Air Racing League.

Offline MonkGF

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Re: New to Scenarios looking for advice
« Reply #5 on: August 16, 2010, 08:51:20 AM »
one thing you have to keep in mind, you might be flying for 40-60 minutes before you see any action

One thing that many people miss when they read this is that those 40-60 minutes are hardly boring. You're trying to follow a course, keep an eye/ear on comms, keep an eye out for cons (you never know when you're going to get bounced, so usually start earlier than you think is realistic), and there is plenty of good-natured chatter. Even just trying to keep formation is a fair amount of work.

Scenarios are so cool that even the "boring" parts are exciting  :D
-- Greg Stelmack
-- Ex-AW pilot, Gunfighters Squadron

Offline Delirium

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Re: New to Scenarios looking for advice
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2010, 09:37:24 AM »
As others have eluded to, scenarios require a different mindset. On a scenario day, I drink black coffee, scrambled eggs (I refuse to eat powdered) and listen to 40s tunes to get myself in the mood. You need do your best to put yourself into the situation where you can get a small fraction of what the real historical aviators  experienced. If you can get so engrossed in the scenario that you can suspend the feeling you're looking at a computer screen for just ONE minute, the other 2 hours and 59 minutes should be the most enjoyable on Aces High.

Let me tell you about my relief tube some day, I've had one at the ready ever since the 'Longbow' scenario from Airwarrior.
80th "Headhunters"
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I found an air leak in my inflatable sheep and plugged the hole! Honest!

Offline Wildcat1

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Re: New to Scenarios looking for advice
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2010, 10:14:08 AM »
Scenarios are so cool that even the "boring" parts are exciting  :D

i concur :D

that being said, the thing i hate the most as a GL is when i get a walkon who has a blatant disregard to the rules, and, as some have already stated, go "rouge". as a GL, the #1 thing i ask my walkons is "are you a good team player?". teamwork is essential in scenarios, and those who just meander off to do their own thing do more than make me mad, but they become a hindrance to the whole squad. for me, if i see someone blatantly ignoring the rules and not being a team player, and they ignore my multiple warnings, i will personally shoot him down.

so, if you have a good understanding of the rules, and if you are a good team player, your GL will have no problem with you as a walkon

having fun and getting killed since tour 110
The King of 'Cobras. 350th FG, Tunisia 2016

Air Traffic Controller (Air Warfare/Surface Warfare) 2nd Class, USS John C. Stennis CVN-74

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Re: New to Scenarios looking for advice
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2010, 10:42:56 AM »
It's a whole different world, man.

Just remember, it's a huge team effort, and for you to succeed, you must do your part to the best of your ability.

Best thing to do is stick with your leader, and do what he tells you as best you can.

Also, DON'T get separated from your flight!!!   I cannot stress how important this is.  One lone dude trying to find his way back to his flight is meat on the table for the enemy.   You might catch hell and shame for it, but there's nothing wrong with returning to base and waiting for the next hop.   

One more thing.  When you're going to land to re-arm/re-plane, don't forget to lower your landing gear.  Yeah.  That can happen :)
"You rebel scum"

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Re: New to Scenarios looking for advice
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2010, 12:36:11 PM »
Just from milesobrien's initial question, I strongly suspect that he is the type of pilot who will do just fine and who will have fun.

I will gladly take him into my squadron on the Japanese side, for example.   :D

Offline Wildcat1

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Re: New to Scenarios looking for advice
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2010, 02:34:25 PM »
the allies will be more than happy to have you :)

fly superior aircraft!
having fun and getting killed since tour 110
The King of 'Cobras. 350th FG, Tunisia 2016

Air Traffic Controller (Air Warfare/Surface Warfare) 2nd Class, USS John C. Stennis CVN-74

Offline Delirium

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Re: New to Scenarios looking for advice
« Reply #11 on: August 16, 2010, 03:37:04 PM »
I will gladly take him into my squadron on the Japanese side, for example.   :D

I hope he has life insurance...   :devil
80th "Headhunters"
Retired AH Trainer (but still teach the P38 selectively)

I found an air leak in my inflatable sheep and plugged the hole! Honest!

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Re: New to Scenarios looking for advice
« Reply #12 on: August 16, 2010, 04:02:28 PM »
the allies will be more than happy to have you :)

fly superior aircraft!

Learn the Ways of the Warrior, fly Japanese, fly with the most fearsome pilots AH has to offer!
Time's fun when you're having flies.

Offline Wildcat1

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Re: New to Scenarios looking for advice
« Reply #13 on: August 16, 2010, 04:45:32 PM »

Learn the Ways of the Warrior, fly Japanese, fly with the most fearsome pilots AH has to offer!

then i guess you will be shot down by the fiercest warriors in AH, the 80th. :t

having fun and getting killed since tour 110
The King of 'Cobras. 350th FG, Tunisia 2016

Air Traffic Controller (Air Warfare/Surface Warfare) 2nd Class, USS John C. Stennis CVN-74

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Re: New to Scenarios looking for advice
« Reply #14 on: August 16, 2010, 06:21:18 PM »
wildcat1, naps were dreaming again.  Wipe the slobber off your face and take out the trash. (that'd be the P-38s ya'll lost last time.  :)  )