1> Turn all of the LED's off in the control panel
2> Make sure the cable between stick and throttle is fully seated
3> Consider getting a powered USB hub
1. I have them almost as dim as they get, but not off
2. cable is the main problem, I already know this, just haven't been able to get a new one
3. been considered, just not $ feasible at this time.
I have a second X52 in the house that I used for 4 years and gave it to SWkiljoy. Bought new one for me. Never, I mean never had a problem with the old one. New one was buggy right out of the box, returned to Worst Buy under warranty. Replacement, which I didn't get the warranty on, got uber crappy after about 60 days. Now it sits on my desk with the screws removed so when the stick freaks out and it isn't the cable, I can quickly tweak the sensors and wires and get back to my flight.
It's latest incarnation of F chef is to go full left turn the moment I get lined up for a shot. I mean without fail the other night, just get settled 6 o'clock, 600 out and closing, almost pull trigger, and whoosh, full left turn, WTF?? Happened about 9 times so I know it wasn't a fluke.