Thank you for the update. I so far have not had the reversal problem. Lets hope it stays that way. Oboe I get the feeling they are trying to make you wait until its to late to return it. I have returned both of mine once so far. Like I said a real love hate relationship.
I don't believe you. EVERYONE and I mean everyone i have talked to with the G940 has that exact problem. It's real easy not to notice until you start making precise movements. I bet you can reproduce it!
Slowly move an axis (any axis) one way while watching the numbers in the AH configuration window. As you gradually move it you'll see the numbers move smoothly... Example: 1280, 1283, 1286, 1290, 1293... each increment you'll notice is the same. Now slowly start moving it back the other way.. you'll see this: 1293, 1293, 1293, 1293, 1187, 1184, 1180, 1077... you'll notice that it doesn't really do anything at first but then it will JUMP a great deal.
It only does this when changing directions of an axis. If you stop movement and then continue in the same direction then it will be fine: 1280, 1283, 1286, 1290, 1293, PAUSE, 1296, 1299, etc...
Like I said though it takes very small movements to reproduce this... it's mildly to moderately irritating, especially when strafing tanks and trying to get that perfect shot on the enemy plane in front of you.
If you're a stick yanker, or more of a 'shoot and pray' type then I'd imagine this bug wouldn't be so noticeable.
I've noticed that with FSX, while the bug is still present, it's not nearly as noticeable, as such fine adjustments aren't typically as necessary.