Author Topic: Another post of JABO's  (Read 1956 times)

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Re: Another post of JABO's
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2010, 09:30:30 AM »
Why would it not be it be possible Oakranger? if an FSO CM designs it (a 1943 setup with no escorts) I guess we can run it. Wether it would be a well received design? I suppose maybe open for debate as you would have 1/2 the FSO players flying bombers for 3 frames straight. That being said I have a 1943 setup that has some of the components you describe; it would entail a setup that had both "long" and "short" targets with P-47s and Spitfires as escorts but they would only have the fuel to escort on the "short" target list, say 4 of each, so you would end up with both kinds of missions (escorted and non escorted) in all three frames. Its absolutely doable and I would like to see it run in the future. Perhaps using the BoB map, Arden, or Germany, I would have to see what would work best. FSO is about variety, no two setups has to be the same.

"Bloody Summer of 43" I like it. Now for a screenplay and a pitch to the studio! I wonder if De Caprio would be willing to do a screentest as Gen. Eaker  ;) marketing, marketing....Im seeing some of those scantily clad babes used in the nose art of the heavies on McDonlads glasses. Its all about the merchandising you know...

« Last Edit: September 14, 2010, 10:07:00 AM by Squire »
Friday Squad Ops CM Team
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Re: Another post of JABO's
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2010, 11:34:52 AM »
That should be a lot of fun for the bomber pilots...
Why would it not be it be possible Oakranger? if an FSO CM designs it (a 1943 setup with no escorts) I guess we can run it. Wether it would be a well received design? I suppose maybe open for debate as you would have 1/2 the FSO players flying bombers for 3 frames straight. That being said I have a 1943 setup that has some of the components you describe; it would entail a setup that had both "long" and "short" targets with P-47s and Spitfires as escorts but they would only have the fuel to escort on the "short" target list, say 4 of each, so you would end up with both kinds of missions (escorted and non escorted) in all three frames. Its absolutely doable and I would like to see it run in the future. Perhaps using the BoB map, Arden, or Germany, I would have to see what would work best. FSO is about variety, no two setups has to be the same.

"Bloody Summer of 43" I like it. Now for a screenplay and a pitch to the studio! I wonder if De Caprio would be willing to do a screentest as Gen. Eaker  ;) marketing, marketing....Im seeing some of those scantily clad babes used in the nose art of the heavies on McDonlads glasses. Its all about the merchandising you know...


I know that we have a event of early 43 using the BoB map.  "Bloody Summer of 43" (which it was refer to by many of the BG that participate in the operations that summer) would focus strictly on the long rang bombers into Germany from September and October of 43 where they had P-47 as escorts but where limited on range.  Also, this would be the first time U.S. bombers faced the Bf-190. 

The targets would be Schweinfurt, where the infamous "Black Thursday" occurred, Regensburg, Stuggart (various targets), Wiesbaden / Frankfurt, Saarlautern, Sarreguemnines to name a few. 

We would used the Germany map terrain "winter map" or a new map that has Switzerland in it.....well i guess the winter terrain will do since it has a little bit of Swiss country in it.     

56th Fighter group

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Re: Another post of JABO's
« Reply #17 on: September 14, 2010, 12:26:40 PM »
Yes I understand im not reffering to a past FSO design but an unpublished setup that has not been run yet.  No timeline on running it and it could be somebody else will tackle that design before I get to it.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2010, 12:28:44 PM by Squire »
Friday Squad Ops CM Team
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Re: Another post of JABO's
« Reply #18 on: September 14, 2010, 12:44:55 PM »
Yes I understand im not reffering to a past FSO design but an unpublished setup that has not been run yet.  No timeline on running it and it could be somebody else will tackle that design before I get to it.

i think you run it. 

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Re: Another post of JABO's
« Reply #19 on: September 14, 2010, 10:03:34 PM »
See.... recreating real events has a problem.... You know who wins.

By a landslide.

By a massive, country-devastating, landslide. We bombed them so badly, destroyed them so badly, they were in shambles for AGES after the war ended.

Keep that in mind. Now, for the bombers that fly 3 hours, drop, and land unopposed they might as well fly OFFLINE with similar results.

For the axis, why bother even upping against laser-accurate gunnery platforms flying unhistorically high, unhistorically fast, bombing unhistorically laser-accurate from 30k+, in your planes which can barely chase them, barely climb that high, and will get shot out of the sky in droves?

No reason for either side to even participate.

THAT is why we don't recreate actual events. FSO is about balance, about trying to get immersion, NOT about setting up no-contest wars with no chance or hope of victory.

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Re: Another post of JABO's
« Reply #20 on: September 14, 2010, 10:31:31 PM »
Who "wins"? is dependant on a purely subjective points system designed, implemented and scored by the FSO designer. I can ensure any side loses if I wanted to. I could say for every B-17 shot down...that was worth 1000 pts for the Axis...and for every Allied kill of an Axis fighter the Allies get 1 pt. Done. Over. So recreating a historical setup is not the issue. What are we doing in SEA events if we are not doing WW2 setups? isn't that what we are here for? otherwise why bother. I don't see your point.

Running SEA events without bombers would be pointless. Might as well just have a fighter duelling league and call it a day. If you are looking for perfection in every aspect of the sim I suppose you are setting yourself up for a disappointment. In any event I didnt create the sim and neither did the other CMs so we work with what we have. With 400+ showing up weekly it seems a few have fun with it despite the imperfections. We do try and get the most out of what we have to work with.

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Re: Another post of JABO's
« Reply #21 on: September 14, 2010, 10:49:09 PM »
----Quote from: Viper61 on September 12, 2010, 10:05:38 PM
I agree this whole "no fly zone", H+10 ALLIED spawn hasn't worked very well.  Good intentions and concept, just to many moving parts and a few personnel that either don't read or understand the rules or dare I say.... "bend da rules".

Both sides need to spawn in together from the start and when air spawns are used the "other" sides airfields need to be backed up about 200 miles and this keeps anyone from "bending" the rules and allows the "spawning" side to recover from the start.

Also I think an issue has been the location of the air spawns for frame 1 and 2.  To close together.  The other side knows right where to look.  Fixed for frame 3.

Again all lessons learned I hope.

And who ever this "Cell" guy is......... just needs to have his account revoked in my opinion.------End Quote

So you're saying that not only do we need to give Allies air spawns and have both sides spawn at the same time (Luftwaffe spawning on runways), but also move the Axis active runways back 200 miles?

Have you lost your mind? As of now, we are roughly 75 miles form the Allied spawn points. We cant go within 40 miles of the spawn points. That gives the Allies, who spawn in at 27k, a 40 mile buffer to climb. Meanwhile at this point which would be about T+25, all Luftwaffe birds are struggling to get to  26k and above.

Another point, Allied air spawns too close together and that gives us a place to look? So, not only do you want to give the Allies an advantage with altitude, time, and restrictions on where the Luftwaffe can fly, but you also want to break our backs as to where you are coming from? This is a freaking FSO dude, not war. it is supposed to be fun and I agree that all Special Events need to be histoically accurate but all this technical additive BS is BS. There should not be a no-fly zone, and the Allies should indeed start at T+10.

I'm not saying give the Luftwaffe the upper hand, but my God man, cut us some slack. Frame 1 it was as close to even as it was going to get. Our jets were in the right place at the right times all Frame it seemed. We were able to let the whole Luftwaffe know where every Allied attack group was located by T+40. Result: Allied was raped. Result: Allied complains, Allied gets what they want, Allied obliterates Luftwaffe in Frame 3.

Lastly, if you put the Frame 1 details back in, NO no-fly-zone, 4 air spawns, rtb at 24, Allies get raped. Even if you add a rtb base, Allies get raped. A no-fly zone CRIPPLES OUR ONLY ADVANTAGE. Giving the Allies more air spawns to the West and South, BREAKS THE LUFTWAFFE"S BACK. I'm not complaining because we are going to lose and it will not be fun, I am complaining because of the changes are so radical. I'm not complaining because we are going to lose and it will not be fun, I am complaining because of the changes are so radical. And it seems that the CM's changed it after how successful Frame 1 was for the Luftwaffe. The after Frame 2, the Luftwaffe lost but it was close. So they add these air spawns that give us no chance. That is what I am complaining about.

Almost like the Allies or CMs said, "well the Luftwaffe can't win and they won Frame 1, so let's cripple them for Frame 2. They barely lost Frame 2, for Frame 3 let's break their backs. This way history can repeat."

Don't get me wrong historical accuracy is very important, but leave it at objectives, planes, squads, bases, etc. A no-fly zone is not making anything more historically accurate except the result of the campaign. And I thought that was what FSO was about? Gives the losing side a chance to change history. It is impossible for the Luftwaffe to do so in Frame 3 due to the added BS in order to make THE RESULT historically accurate. That to me is BS.

EDIT: Typo.

C.O. Kommando Nowotny


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Re: Another post of JABO's
« Reply #22 on: September 14, 2010, 11:58:14 PM »
Who "wins"? is dependant on a purely subjective points system designed, implemented and scored by the FSO designer. I can ensure any side loses if I wanted to. I could say for every B-17 shot down...that was worth 1000 pts for the Axis...and for every Allied kill of an Axis fighter the Allies get 1 pt. Done. Over. So recreating a historical setup is not the issue.


You can set the points up so that every LW plane will be wasted out of the sky and the LW will still "win" - but everybody will hate your guts and half the pilots in the FSO will quit in outrage and protest.

Nobody wants to fly that kind of setup. It's all about the gameplay balance. The points is the other half of it, but is not the only thing that is "balanced" in these FSOs. As you know, it really boils down to the individual pilot, individual unit experiences. Sending 5 planes into a meat grinder of 50 is stupid and nobody will return to that again if subjected. That is why there are numerous rules such as "credible force" and "t+60" and all that. The entire FSO is set to give a measured, moderated, combat experience. It's unwritten that if you screw with the balance folks stop showing up, but it's there nonetheless.

After-the-fact edit: P.S. I'm not really trying to pick a fight or anything. Just debating the issue.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2010, 12:42:48 AM by Krusty »

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Re: Another post of JABO's
« Reply #23 on: September 15, 2010, 01:23:17 AM »
the shame of it is that instead of being forced to react to a plan and counter a strategy,
the conditions of the exercise were changed, and then changed again, so everyone is in the dark.

it sort of eliminates need and even the possibility for adjusted planning and execution in order to improve, and also limits the requirement of risk and determination required to execute the plan in the face of quality opposition.

i like the events, the FSO type of event requires good planning and determined execution.

sides should focus on those aspects, they should be encouraged to do so with resources geared to that goal,
instead of demanding and granting changes to the set-up/design, because that is or at least can be seen as being lame, less than one should expect from ones self in a competitive situation. 
squads should have pride in all aspects of this type of event and take difficulty as a challenge to be met,
not as an excuse to seek a more favorable conditions.

once again i look at this set up and do not see the allies being initially over burdened at all.


THOR C.O. II ~JG-27~ Afrika-AH
Axis Co-Op
Quote from: any number of idiots here
blah blah Blah
Quote from: oldman
Good call.  Ignore the people who actually flew the real planes against each other.

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Re: Another post of JABO's
« Reply #24 on: September 15, 2010, 09:23:15 AM »
Allies have a cake walk for Frame 3.

I would absolutely love to see the Axis lay an old school beat down on them just to embarass those crying little wimps.

C.O. Kommando Nowotny


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Re: Another post of JABO's
« Reply #25 on: September 15, 2010, 09:48:52 AM »
Allies have a cake walk for Frame 3.

I would absolutely love to see the Axis lay an old school beat down on them just to embarass those crying little wimps.


No one is trying to ruin your FSO Perdweeb...
"Can we be incorrect at times, absolutely, but I do believe 15 years of experience does deserve a little more credence and respect than you have given from your very first post."


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Re: Another post of JABO's
« Reply #26 on: September 15, 2010, 10:31:12 AM »
Allies have a cake walk for Frame 3.

I would absolutely love to see the Axis lay an old school beat down on them just to embarass those crying little wimps.


Loosen up you panties their teacup.  Only a few allies ppl are complaining about it. 

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Re: Another post of JABO's
« Reply #27 on: September 15, 2010, 04:42:49 PM »
No one is trying to ruin your FSO...

If people are not trying to ruin my FSO why do they keep shooting at me?   ;)

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Re: Another post of JABO's
« Reply #28 on: September 15, 2010, 10:48:12 PM »
If people are not trying to ruin my FSO why do they keep shooting at me?   ;)

A........never mind. 

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Re: Another post of JABO's
« Reply #29 on: September 15, 2010, 11:57:09 PM »
I never said FSO is being ruined...just giving my 2 cents.

C.O. Kommando Nowotny