Acronym Definition
WTF What The Freak (polite form)
WTF What If
WTF World Taekwondo Federation
WTF Work Time Fun (PSP game)
WTF Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
WTF Worse Than Failure
WTF Wednesday Thursday Friday
WTF Where's the Fire?
WTF When They Fall (band)
WTF What the Frak? (Battlestar Galactica)
WTF Will to Fight
WTF Williamstown Theatre Festival
WTF Wasn't That Funny
WTF Way to Fly
WTF Werewolf: the Forsaken (gaming)
WTF Way To Fail
WTF Went to France
WTF What To Fix
WTF What's This For?
WTF Write to File
WTF Welcome to Finland
WTF Where's the Food?
WTF Waking the Fallen (Avenged Sevenfold album)
WTF Women's Track and Field
WTF Who the Freak? (polite form)
WTF What the French Toast?
WTF Why The Freak (polite form)
WTF Where the Freak (polite form)
WTF Waste Treatment Facility
WTF Words That Follow (online game)
WTF Wild Turkey Federation
WTF When The Freak (polite form)
WTF What the FAQ?
WTF Why the Frown?
WTF World Trade Federation
WTF Why the Failure
WTF Wireless Telecommunications Facilities
WTF Where's The Fish?
WTF Where's the Fridge?
WTF Where's the File (software)
WTF Water Task Force
WTF Weekly Top Five
WTF World Tennis Federation
WTF What the February
WTF Witendofi (website)
WTF Weapons Tactics Force (gaming)
WTF Warcraft Text File (World of Warcraft)
WTF We the Fools (radio show)
WTF Weapons Task Force (gaming)
WTF Wisconsin Test Facility
WTF Well and Truly Freaked (polite form)
WTF Washington Tennis Foundation
WTF What the Fruitcake
WTF Watergate Task Force
WTF What's This Foolishness
WTF Woodson Track and Field (Virginia)
WTF Windowed Time Facility (Apple)