and not whatcha think.
logged into AvA tonight. fought n died for friggin TWO hours straight. all low alt fights. it's rangers twin rivers map again. almost all of the fights were well below 5k alt. no picking, no ho'ing, no foofy faced bs(sorry rammey....i like that term
), just bunch of guys flyin n dyin. sucking weeds and trees into my intakes.
i had to get out of my 38g for a bit, as i couldn't hit water if i fell out of a boat in her tonight. jumped into the rustbucket(p-40), and made em work harder to kill me.
corky would be proud of one of his SAPP'rs spreading so dam many cartoon parts over the cartoon landscape.
there were a couple of other guys in there, that didn't seem to have flown there before.....and they had only good to say.
OOOOHHHH....AND GUESS WHAT?????????? there was NIGHT IN THERE. only for a few minutes, but it got DARK. not that imitation night in the ma's......DARK!!!
wanna talk friggin HARD to see?? try tracking some tiny little 109 against the ground in the dark!
i'm tellin ya......dying my many many cartoon deaths hasn't been this much fun in a LOOOOONNNGGGGGG time.
now if only i can lure the rest of my squaddies in there. maybe the bad guys will have trouble figuring out which 38 is me.