Author Topic: Some AvA ideas...  (Read 1795 times)

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Re: Some AvA ideas...
« Reply #30 on: October 09, 2010, 04:02:13 PM »
just peeked... looks like lsd spider slapped her web on the terrain... woodlands are the order of the day.  Bu bu bu... but no jeeps  :cry

edit: I'm probably going in there as soon as this headache clears up. 

ibuprofen.  :aok
ingame 1LTCAP
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Re: Some AvA ideas...
« Reply #31 on: October 09, 2010, 04:04:05 PM »
One of the best stories to come out of JG52 was in the winter of '44. It was so cold (-40) the 109s couldn't start. A shot-down Russian pilot was brought to the base and was walking around the aircraft. Through a translator, he could see why the Germans were having trouble not only starting their aircraft, but dealing with weapons troubles as well.

One of the first things he recommended was removing all the grease and oil from the weapons. The grease congealed to the point that it was nearly impossible for the mechanisms to work. They removed the grease, went to a light viscosity oil, and the weapons performed perfectly.

The second was hilarious. The Russian asked for a couple of gallons of gasoline, which he poured into a pan under the aircraft, and tossed in a lit match. The resulting flames caused the Germans to scatter and the Russian was almost shot on the spot. The fire burned for several minutes and everyone thought the aircraft was done for. The Russian then signaled the pilot to crank the aircraft and it fired right up.

Another trick learned from the Russians was to pour a half-gallon of gasoline into the oil sump of 109s. Since gasoline doesn't congeal like oil, it mixed with the oil and allowed the engines to be hand-cranked. As the engines would warm up, the gasoline mixed with the oil would evaporate off.

(Reference: Blond Knight of Germany, Chapter Six, pgs. 80-81)

Obviously, while these stories don't do much to help with the development of scenarios, they add a level of immersion to what we're doing in the sense that it adds a human element to two aircraft trying to shoot each other down.


that's pretty cool.

i had read a book called "combat crew". they talked of being careful to not over oil their guns in the b17's for the same reasons.........
ingame 1LTCAP
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Re: Some AvA ideas...
« Reply #32 on: October 09, 2010, 04:19:13 PM »

(Reference: Blond Knight of Germany, Chapter Six, pgs. 80-81)

Obviously, while these stories don't do much to help with the development of scenarios, they add a level of immersion to what we're doing in the sense that it adds a human element to two aircraft trying to shoot each other down.

yes but it does add to my attaining information I didn't have before.  And that's a big + to me.  When Murdr was posting regularly about historical facts you dang right I read it slowly and carefully.  Got Blond Knight bookmarked for future reference..


These laugh at ibuprofen and just keep on coming.  I've developed a real attitude about prescription meds over the last year (considering Squid told me about things I did / said when taking prescription Ambien and Xanax) that I absolutely do not remember.  I'm off that garbage now but the muscle tension in my neck and shoulders from insomnia, stress, and such are a side effect.  Not a pity party by any means.  Lots of guys in this game have it a whole worse than I do in fact I'd bet 80 to 85%.   I'm blessed with a good kid, a decent job, and I virtually hang out with some dang good guys.  If a headache a couple of times a week is the worst I have to deal with... Cool :D
« Last Edit: October 09, 2010, 04:26:04 PM by Dichotomy »
JG11 - Dicho37Only The Proud Only The Strong AH Players who've passed on :salute

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Re: Some AvA ideas...
« Reply #33 on: October 09, 2010, 05:46:48 PM »
I hear you  Dichotomy I'm on meds to control my migraines  i used to get them all the time now about two a fact i have a headache right now.(actually a hangover shhh dont tell anyone), so i feel your pain. :(
« Last Edit: October 09, 2010, 06:09:30 PM by JC67 »

You cant shoot anyone down if you aint in the air.
Ava Arena JC67-36th\ FIGHTER SQ Flying Fiends

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Re: Some AvA ideas...
« Reply #34 on: October 09, 2010, 05:59:35 PM »
I her you  Dichotomy I'm on meds to control my migraines  i used to get them all the time now about two a fact i have a headache right now.(actually a hangover shhh dont tell anyone), so i feel your pain. :(

you guys may get a laugh out of this.

i used to get bad headaches pretty much EVERY single day. some of those would be bordering on migraine status. then come sunday(my only day off) i DID have what felt like a migraine. every friggin weekend.
 i was talking to the person that fixes my back. she mentioned that i get them on the weekends, 'cause i carry all of my stress in the base of my neck. tightening up like that was restricting bloodflow. then going home saturday night, i'd relax, and the sudden rush caused the sunday headaches. she likened it to when a cat falls asleep on your arm, and it goes numb....when you toss it across the room(kidding), as the feeling starts to come back, there's that massive pain for a few minutes. same effect.

 whelp......after she told me about this, i started noticing all the little things about the shop that were pissing me off. it was a lot. from the boss not being there when he needed to be, to his friggin little kids(all of whom had 666 tattooed on their heads i think) getting into crap, and taking his tools, and trying to blame me.
 so i found another job, and quit. hated it, and landed at the place i worked 15 years ago. rather coincidentally, the headaches all stopped. not a single one.
 all i get now, are sinus(i think) headaches when we have extreme weather changes.
ingame 1LTCAP
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Re: Some AvA ideas...
« Reply #35 on: October 09, 2010, 08:52:35 PM »
your secret is safe with me Puma ;)

Cap... it's amazing to find out that you were stressed when you didn't really think you were.  My doc is a great guy.  Salt of the earth type and all of that but he's dang quick to diagnose 'depression' and slap scripts in your hand.  Like I said above there were way too many nights that I went to bed and found out the next day that I was wandering around spouting random nonsense and didn't remember ANY of it.  And I was cutting the doses in halfs and quarters.  I'm still dealing with insomnia to a small degree but I'll take that and the headaches over being completely out of control any day.

All of that aside anybody want to set a time to fly the kites tomorrow?   Looks like we had some guys in but not enough numbers earlier today.  Looks like a good opportunity for hilarity to ensue if we get enough of us in there..

I have a wacky idea.  I wonder if we could do PT boat races one fine Sunday.  KS off and race around a battlegroup.  First one back to the port wins....   Nice de stressing exercise before hitting the M - F grind.  Screen shots could be epic!!!! 

JG11 - Dicho37Only The Proud Only The Strong AH Players who've passed on :salute

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Re: Some AvA ideas...
« Reply #36 on: October 09, 2010, 09:01:28 PM »
Salt of the earth type and all of that but he's dang quick to diagnose 'depression' and slap scripts in your hand.

Left my last doctor because his way of treating stress-induced symptoms after some medical issues with our second-born (everyone is fine, just a stressful time) was to prescribe an anti-anxiety med, and then when I talked about the dizziness he prescribed an anti-depressant. I switched doctors right after that to one who helped me through it with NO meds.
-- Greg Stelmack
-- Ex-AW pilot, Gunfighters Squadron

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Re: Some AvA ideas...
« Reply #37 on: October 09, 2010, 09:11:15 PM »
your secret is safe with me Puma ;)

Cap... it's amazing to find out that you were stressed when you didn't really think you were.  My doc is a great guy.  Salt of the earth type and all of that but he's dang quick to diagnose 'depression' and slap scripts in your hand.  Like I said above there were way too many nights that I went to bed and found out the next day that I was wandering around spouting random nonsense and didn't remember ANY of it.  And I was cutting the doses in halfs and quarters.  I'm still dealing with insomnia to a small degree but I'll take that and the headaches over being completely out of control any day.

All of that aside anybody want to set a time to fly the kites tomorrow?   Looks like we had some guys in but not enough numbers earlier today.  Looks like a good opportunity for hilarity to ensue if we get enough of us in there..

I have a wacky idea.  I wonder if we could do PT boat races one fine Sunday.  KS off and race around a battlegroup.  First one back to the port wins....   Nice de stressing exercise before hitting the M - F grind.  Screen shots could be epic!!!! 

well.....quite often, where doctors are concerned, i should be wearing one of these..... :noid

 i basically don't like doctors, and don't trust em anymore. well.....2 i do. one is a customer, and a friend. he's a pediatrician. the other is a foot doctor..the one that took care of my infected toe(from an ingrown nail) last year. he also took care of the venous ulcer i had on my ankle.
 so far, i've found both of them to honest.

 my problem with dr's though, is that like you said....they're too quick to slap a presctiption.   when i was a kid, the family doc. kept trying to get me to take some pills to "calm me down". grandmom would give them to me, i'd tuck it between my cheek and gum...when she wasn't looking, i'd spit it out. i was....and still am......hyper. big deal. is there REALLY anything wrong with a hyperactive kid?
 they tried to give me a drug to make me pay attention in school, 'cause i used to daydream a lot. well....guess what.......the teachers were a little less exciting than watching the weeds grow in the driveway.

 it's gotten worse now. can't sleep? takes this pill. can't get it up? take this pill. can't get up in the morning? take this pill. can't poop every day? take these pills.

 my mom. she retired about 12 years ago. within 5 years, she was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. that's the one ya get from being overweight, and inactive. could the doc tell her she needed to do some walking, or maybe join a bowling league?  nooooo....he friggin gives her pills.
 she went for a colonostpy? i think it is? she's always nervous at those places. they hook ya up to monitoring things i presume.....they saw her heart rate go up high. they sent her to the er. scared her even worse. kept her there for 3 days, saying she needed to get "zapped" to put her heart back in rythem(admittedly, mom has less rythem than i do). thankfully, she didn't do that, although she listened to em about the blood thinners. they made her short of breath. she listened to me and stopped them.
 just a week or so ago, they gave her another med for something or other......high heart rate again i think. it made her woozy. sounded like she had just smoked a joint,.

 all of her high heart rate and diabetes problems would be solved, if only she'd do something.....but she won't listen to me or my brother, 'cause we don't have those certificates on the wall. we only have common sense to go on.

 and my uncle(her brother 2 years younger than her) retired from ups. within 2 years, diagnosed with type 2. he joine a bowling league, and started golfing more. rather strangely, the diabetes went away.

 i know there's times we need em, but seeing what i see, scares the crap outta me. by the time our kids are grown, there's not gonna be one single person not taking medication for somethgin or other.

sorry for the rant.........
ingame 1LTCAP
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Re: Some AvA ideas...
« Reply #38 on: October 09, 2010, 09:23:07 PM »

Agree.. my doc is a friend of the family and ascribes to the 'better living through chemistry' motto.  Well to be honest my former doc.  Think highly of him but I'd prefer to be diagnosed rather than pumped full of pills that make me stupid(er). 

In all seriousness he prescribed ambien on my ex wifes request and that's a nasty little drug.  I've glossed over it to a degree but, when I was taking it, I did and said some things that I will carry the shame of to my grave.  Quite honestly I'm surprised I didn't log on to the forums and, for once, unintentionally make a complete arse of myself.  The proper drug for the proper issue is a good thing but just jerking out the pad and prescribing hard narcotics to someone without a thorough diagnosis AND FOLLOWUP is wrong and potentially dangerous to the patient and everyone around them. 

Cap.. I know exactly where you're coming from.  Both of my folks are pretty much way over weight.  I've offered them advice as far as simple workouts and dietary suggestions.  Problem is, until I start living it again, I'm kind of a hypocrite.  Sadly, they won't listen even then, but they're happy and having fun and that's what it's all about IMHO. 

JG11 - Dicho37Only The Proud Only The Strong AH Players who've passed on :salute

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Re: Some AvA ideas...
« Reply #39 on: October 09, 2010, 09:47:25 PM »

Agree.. my doc is a friend of the family and ascribes to the 'better living through chemistry' motto.  Well to be honest my former doc.  Think highly of him but I'd prefer to be diagnosed rather than pumped full of pills that make me stupid(er). 

In all seriousness he prescribed ambien on my ex wifes request and that's a nasty little drug.  I've glossed over it to a degree but, when I was taking it, I did and said some things that I will carry the shame of to my grave.  Quite honestly I'm surprised I didn't log on to the forums and, for once, unintentionally make a complete arse of myself.  The proper drug for the proper issue is a good thing but just jerking out the pad and prescribing hard narcotics to someone without a thorough diagnosis AND FOLLOWUP is wrong and potentially dangerous to the patient and everyone around them. 

Cap.. I know exactly where you're coming from.  Both of my folks are pretty much way over weight.  I've offered them advice as far as simple workouts and dietary suggestions.  Problem is, until I start living it again, I'm kind of a hypocrite.  Sadly, they won't listen even then, but they're happy and having fun and that's what it's all about IMHO. 

well, the problem i have, is that as a teen, i was a complete and utter love muffin. i should've been thrown out of the house for some of the crap i did to mom, and as you said, i will carry the shame and regret of that to the day i die. i know i would never put up with some of the crap i least i never kilt anyone though, or got thrown in jail........

 but...due to so many years of me being the total love muffin, mom starts to think i'm falling back into those ways. i never will. but she thinks so. i can't get it through her head that i don't want her to go(although i know that day has to come, there's no reason for her to rush it). i tried getting my brother to talk with her(he was never as bad as me as a kid), but she saw right through that........
 one of the times i tried convincing her to walk, she cited "todays world" as a reason not to. i offered to walk with her, and offered to buy her a treadmill.....she wouldn't take either.

 i'm almost thinking of bribing the doc. to tell her she needs to do some light exercise. that is all i think it'll take.......and within a year, i'd suspect she'd be on her way to not taking medications anymore.

 ""channel surf"" i would've logged in tonight, but primevial is on tonight, and i'm watching that as i do these posts.  :aok
ingame 1LTCAP
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Re: Some AvA ideas...
« Reply #40 on: October 09, 2010, 09:58:25 PM »
first: sorry for the threadjack gents


People seem to think that, in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, they have to pump iron 2 hours a day and eat greens.  BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZRTTT TTTTTTTTTT  WRONG!!!!

You can stay relatively healthy just walking at a brisk pace on a treadmill 30 minutes in the morning.  You don't have to run and stress your knees, hips, and ankles.  Just get up a little earlier, walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes and watch the news.  When you get home in the afternoon do the same.  Watch your diet.  Some people can eat carbs all day long and never gain an ounce of fat.  Then there are people like me that carbs stick to.  It's all about personal body chemistry. 

There are TONS of great recipes out there that are relatively low calorie / carb that are really good eating. 

Cap, hopefully your folks will get it someday.  If you weren't so far away I'd offer you a treadmill.  I've got two..
JG11 - Dicho37Only The Proud Only The Strong AH Players who've passed on :salute

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Re: Some AvA ideas...
« Reply #41 on: October 09, 2010, 10:02:54 PM »
first: sorry for the threadjack gents


People seem to think that, in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, they have to pump iron 2 hours a day and eat greens.  BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZRTTT TTTTTTTTTT  WRONG!!!!

You can stay relatively healthy just walking at a brisk pace on a treadmill 30 minutes in the morning.  You don't have to run and stress your knees, hips, and ankles.  Just get up a little earlier, walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes and watch the news.  When you get home in the afternoon do the same.  Watch your diet.  Some people can eat carbs all day long and never gain an ounce of fat.  Then there are people like me that carbs stick to.  It's all about personal body chemistry. 

There are TONS of great recipes out there that are relatively low calorie / carb that are really good eating. 

Cap, hopefully your folks will get it someday.  If you weren't so far away I'd offer you a treadmill.  I've got two..

you are right about the exercise. i get mine at work.

it's just mom. i never knew dad...part of why i was such a salamander i think. glad i got over that, as now, although the entire family thought i was gonna be the one to be the "black sheep", i've turned it around, and am now a business owner. i'll never be rich from it though. i spend the money too fast. right now, i'm paying a landscaper to do the entire property, since i don't have time...and mom's staying here right now, so the property looks better for her.

 thanks for the offer on the treadmill dude....... :aok
ingame 1LTCAP
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Re: Some AvA ideas...
« Reply #42 on: October 09, 2010, 10:06:35 PM »
Anytime Cap <S>
JG11 - Dicho37Only The Proud Only The Strong AH Players who've passed on :salute

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Re: Some AvA ideas...
« Reply #43 on: October 09, 2010, 10:09:10 PM »
Anytime Cap <S>

i should add......if ever we meet, the first brew is on me. if ya don't drink, then the first coke is.  :aok
ingame 1LTCAP
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Re: Some AvA ideas...
« Reply #44 on: October 09, 2010, 10:37:24 PM »
Actually I just cut my intake back quite a bit.. but I'd be more than happy to accept your kind offer  :salute  Next round is on me :D
JG11 - Dicho37Only The Proud Only The Strong AH Players who've passed on :salute