So, thinking about getting into Airsoft. Actually been thinking about it for a few years, just kinda been dancing around he idea. I guess I'm what you would call a (ch)airsofter. Anyways, was wondering what you guys thought of it, or even if you play. Couple a reasons I like it:
1) I probably dont get the excercise I need, and a hobby that gets me moving and outside more often is always a good thing.
2) Realism. I have played Paintball, and it is fun, but is more of a "game" than a RL sim I guess. Whereas Airsoft seems more realistic. IMHO anyways.
3) Just looks fun! I watch alot of youtube vids on it (scoutthedoggie in particular) and it looks like they are having a lot of fun!
Anyways, just let me know what you think!