Krusty I already made a request that you post relevant threads and material in regards to the wind discussion.
Please post the relevant threads where others have complained about this before and provide screen shots of how wind have screwed other events as you claim so a logical discussion can occur of whether it is indeed a widespread problem or not. Right now from the responses in this thread from other players you are in the minority.
Post a link to the threads, the screen shots, the videos, etc. and cite the FSO it happened in please.
As I cited in THIS thread you are in the minority of people complaining about wind in THIS thread. Your argument that the vast silent majority agree with you is unprovable. Just as it is unprovable the the vast silent majority do not have an issue with wind. CMs can only make judgements and evaluations based on actually feedback provided not on supposition.
Currently the CMs receive feedback on the forums, PMs, in game communication, and by email. The squad contacts for every squad do indeed PM and email us with feedback (quite pointed at times) when things do screw or are not to their or their squads liking. On the issue of wind at take off in THIS thread you are in the minority. In regards to feedback sent to the CMs over this issue via PM or email from various squads command staff we haven't received any.
So you claim the SILENT majority back you. However, they might not. The SILENT majority might not agree with you. There is no way to determine who they think outside of posting on the forums, PMs, emails, and their squad contacts relaying feedback from their squad to the designer.
Did I call you a cry baby? No I did not. Please don't try to justify your position by claiming that I denigrated you.
What I did say was many players give us feedback based on their experience. Their experience is valid but many times it is not the experience of the majority. It is the job of the CMs involved to figure out if it was a localized issue or actually an event wide issue.
This is again why I asked that you post links to the relevant threads, screen shots, videos, etc. and delineate from which FSOs these happened during.