Four points from my coffee flying:
1. Last night I was on not to fly, but to watch and listen on the range channel. I moved around base to base, switched sides, and alike - and I think we can all do better than what I saw.
2. Channel 1 is a perk of the AvA. It allows countries to see the text from the other side without having to tune any channel, just like Aces High was years ago. HTC had to disable channel 1 because the banter and unprofessional conduct of their clients was getting out of hand.
3. We don't want to disable channel 1. We also don't want to chase ANYONE out of any arena. It's everyone's subscription and everyone is entitled to play the game with respect and conduct themselves any way they want as long as it doesn't negatively impact another subscribers experience.
4. If we have to disable channel 1, we've lost. Everyone looses. If we have to start ejecting and reporting players, we've lost again. The last thing we want is to setup an admin schedule to police the arena - because by then no one will want to fly here.
I don't think the AvA staff and fellow players are asking much, we all want to enjoy the AvA as much as everyone else. But please, try to remain respectful of one another. It goes a long way to show all the MA regulars how much better our arena is.