Big difference between a high velocity gun and a howitzer. The indirect fire of an 88 is going to be relativelylow angle no matter how indirect it's fire is. Fun picture posted for no particular reason (Image removed from quote.)
Here is a good site that has images of all the German towed artillery (artillery, AAA, AT guns).German WWII Towed ArtilleryEnjoy.ack-ack
someones forgetting simple angle math that allows for high angle tragectories also to allow indirect fire
my opinion on base captures. i think hitec designed it so that it is harder to capture so that they have more time for other important more plane designs,tanks,bombers,ect. other wise the have to keep resetting the maps ever other day taking away from other important work. just my opinion. and i think it makes the game much better and more fun trying to capture the city now. coming from a bomber geek.<S>
Nah, what we need is railway connections between the "Zone Bases"(Image removed from quote.)Im not compensating