Author Topic: P-51D "The Enchantress" 506th FG 457th FS  (Read 17652 times)

Offline cactuskooler

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Re: P-51D "The Enchantress" 506th FG 457th FS
« Reply #30 on: November 29, 2010, 10:42:04 PM »
Thanks for the posts fellas.

at this time it, with a solid tail, it should have dual antennas behind the cockpit. there should be a small access port on the left side below the antenna and the green is alittlle bright. It would also look  :cool: with a striped tail.

I saw the pics of that panel in the thread you linked and I'll add it. Yeah the green's a bit intense. I noticed that after I took the screenshots naturally and already changed it.

Cactus, are you going to put the dive markings on the wings?

Check out the thread the Megalodon posted above for info on them. 

Forgive my Mustang ignorance, I didn't realize this plane would have had them. They'll defiantly need to be added.

Here's one I found of 528 with the solid tail.

80th FS "Headhunters"


Offline Megalodon

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Re: P-51D "The Enchantress" 506th FG 457th FS
« Reply #31 on: November 30, 2010, 02:25:00 PM »
Good question.

The video shows a hodgepodge of color 51s from the ETO to PTO.

The Osprey VLR Mustangs book references John Benbow's diary as the source of the time taken to paint the stripes and change to solid for that reason

At this point, I'm of the opinion, based on the photo evidence and Mr. Benbow's research that the 457th had solid green by the time they got to Iwo.  .

Yes its a very good video... about 1:00 it shows what I think is P-51 #199 or 198  of the 47fs? flying along with 3 506th  planes this is where I got #544.
I believe 47thFS was on Iwo in mid march, 506th didnt fly in till mid May.

A very good book, I have it aswell.  It says....

"When the 506th FG arrived on Tinian
in late March 1945, the pilots and
crew chiefs immediately got busy
painting striped tail markings on
their new P-51s. The green stripes
of the 457th FS are visible on the
rudder of P-51 44-72599. The diary
of Capt John Benbow recorded how
it took three days to complete the
painting of his flight's Mustangs one
reason why the squadrons were
happy to convert to solid coloured
tails later on. ( Larry Dolanl)"

The 506th was on guam for a week then Tinian 7 weeks with a few flights.

I believe you could make a good case for a stripped 457th plane at Iwo at least the 1st month, anyhow maybe  1 of the skinners will do #550 "Madam Wham Dam" with dark blue striped tail. I think the stripped tails look good.

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Offline cactuskooler

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Re: P-51D "The Enchantress" 506th FG 457th FS
« Reply #32 on: November 30, 2010, 10:51:13 PM »
Anyone know what the specific degree markings are for each of the lines?

80th FS "Headhunters"


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Re: P-51D "The Enchantress" 506th FG 457th FS
« Reply #33 on: December 01, 2010, 12:00:21 AM »
Anyone know what the specific degree markings are for each of the lines?

(Image removed from quote.)

If you can't find the info, you can probably get pretty close on your own.  I figure that the lines all converge on the pilots seat which gives you an anchor point, then look at where each mark hits the leading edge of the wing and I would imagine you could get pretty close.
80th FS "Headhunters"
I blame mir.

Offline cactuskooler

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Re: P-51D "The Enchantress" 506th FG 457th FS
« Reply #34 on: December 01, 2010, 12:13:52 AM »
If you can't find the info, you can probably get pretty close on your own.  I figure that the lines all converge on the pilots seat which gives you an anchor point, then look at where each mark hits the leading edge of the wing and I would imagine you could get pretty close.

I've already got the lines skinned. There's some markings on the end of the lines, which I'm assuming are numbers telling you how much of an angle you're diving at? I don't know what those are.
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Offline Guppy35

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Re: P-51D "The Enchantress" 506th FG 457th FS
« Reply #35 on: December 01, 2010, 12:44:12 AM »
Yes its a very good video... about 1:00 it shows what I think is P-51 #199 or 198  of the 47fs? flying along with 3 506th  planes this is where I got #544.
I believe 47thFS was on Iwo in mid march, 506th didnt fly in till mid May.

A very good book, I have it aswell.  It says....

"When the 506th FG arrived on Tinian
in late March 1945, the pilots and
crew chiefs immediately got busy
painting striped tail markings on
their new P-51s. The green stripes
of the 457th FS are visible on the
rudder of P-51 44-72599. The diary
of Capt John Benbow recorded how
it took three days to complete the
painting of his flight's Mustangs one
reason why the squadrons were
happy to convert to solid coloured
tails later on. ( Larry Dolanl)"

The 506th was on guam for a week then Tinian 7 weeks with a few flights.

I believe you could make a good case for a stripped 457th plane at Iwo at least the 1st month, anyhow maybe  1 of the skinners will do #550 "Madam Wham Dam" with dark blue striped tail. I think the stripped tails look good.


You could be right.  I dug out the CD that John Benbow sent me way back when.  It had the diary of his uncle transcribed.  Didn't see any reference to time concerns, but it did note painting the stripes in the following three entries.  No other mention of painting tails at all right up til his last entry.

Fri.  April 20th
   Stripped tails for spray painting all day.

Sat.  April 21st
   Two CAP missions in morning.  Buzzed ground echelon both times – recognized “Skinhaid” Skiver.  Stripped Willie’s plane in afternoon.
   [Log entry:  Buzzed ground echelon on boat.]

Sun.  April 22nd
   Plane stripping in morning.  Went to Church with Willie.  Very good sermon.  Plane stripping in afternoon.
8th FS "Headhunters

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Re: P-51D "The Enchantress" 506th FG 457th FS
« Reply #36 on: December 01, 2010, 12:55:47 AM »
Enchantress Trivia.  Didn't realize I had some of this stuff from Mr. Benbow.  He also has a copy of the letters sent home by the 457th Doc, Dr. Paprocki who is the guy sitting on the wing of "The Enchantress"  A couple things that at least give a time line on the photo and when the plane got it's nose art.  The nose art was on mid May 44, and the photo was taken prior to July 10, 1944.

"May 19,1945 – Today after the mission I had the boys happy and playful on beer and whiskey.  I sure was a popular man.  Muddy Watters was patting me on the back and announcing I was his pal.  It helped to relieve the tension and emotional stress and strain.

Sweetheart, do you remember the pilot who went shopping with me for your black dance set?  He has named his plane “The Enchantress” and has a picture of a “babe” in black sheer undies.  Apparently many of the boys share my sentiments."

"July 10,1945 – Enclosed you’ll find the product of my developing, a bit overdeveloped.  One picture is of the four members of our tent.

The second is one of the bomber girls, while the third is the plane Lieutenant Saks had and named The Enchantress.

He was the boy who went Christmas shopping with me.  Note the “blackies.”  Incidentally he used another’s plane on his fatal trip."

Lt. Saks was lost on the June 1st mission where the weather got so many 51 drivers that day.
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Re: P-51D "The Enchantress" 506th FG 457th FS
« Reply #37 on: December 01, 2010, 01:03:51 AM »
OK it's turned out to be a simple answer after wading through the 506th stuff again.

John Benbow's diary is referring to stripping the red stripes off the tail. 

When the Mustangs of the 457th FS were loaded onto the USS Kalinin Bay for transport to the Pacific, they had red tails.  This is the color scheme depicted in all of the history books.  However, when the air echelon arrived on Tinian, the tails were stripped and repainted green.  Stripping the tails was what took so long.   As the April 20th entry says:

" Stripped tails for spray painting all day"

It was bothering me that there was no other mention of it in the diary in reference to Iwo, although on Iwo he spent a lot of time painting and staining the quonset huts and mentions it often.
8th FS "Headhunters

Offline Megalodon

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Re: P-51D "The Enchantress" 506th FG 457th FS
« Reply #38 on: December 01, 2010, 01:29:49 AM »
457th FS - This North American P-51 "Mustang" of the 506th Fighter Group crashed as it was taking off from field on Iwo Jima, Bonin Islands, for its first mission over Tokyo, Japan. Miraculously the pilot escaped fatal injury and was seen walking away from the wreck after someone pried open his canopy. Both wing tanks exploded and burned furiously for over an hour. Fire crews could do nothing to check the flames in the early stage of the explosion. 28 May 1945

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Offline Guppy35

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Re: P-51D "The Enchantress" 506th FG 457th FS
« Reply #39 on: December 01, 2010, 01:37:01 AM »
Just cause it's fun learning stuff and I've learned a lot tonight :)

They did a lot of flying on Guam and Tinian.  Benbow's diary talks about whipping Corsairs, and Jugs.  He also lost his best friend rat racing with Wildcats when his buddy lost it and crashed into the water.

Three photos of 540, Kwitchersqueaken.  First two taken on Tinian after the  twin antennas were installed but prior to the stripping of the striped tails April 20-22nd.  

John Benbow and Bill Lawrence on 540.  No mission markings seen, the name still looking fairly intact but the squadron badge already being worn away from the flying they've been doing

Side shot of 540 on Tinian taken the same day.  No mission markings showing, but clearly she's been flown

540 on Iwo looking a bit worse for wear. Mission markings showing, the name a bit worn and the squadron badge all but gone.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2010, 01:39:26 AM by Guppy35 »
8th FS "Headhunters

Offline Guppy35

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Re: P-51D "The Enchantress" 506th FG 457th FS
« Reply #40 on: December 01, 2010, 01:47:15 AM »
457th FS - This North American P-51 "Mustang" of the 506th Fighter Group crashed as it was taking off from field on Iwo Jima, Bonin Islands, for its first mission over Tokyo, Japan. Miraculously the pilot escaped fatal injury and was seen walking away from the wreck after someone pried open his canopy. Both wing tanks exploded and burned furiously for over an hour. Fire crews could do nothing to check the flames in the early stage of the explosion. 28 May 1945

(Image removed from quote.)

I've seen that one too.  Also seen it identified as Tinian.  There was a crash on the 28th.  Benbow mentions it in the diary saying it happened right in front of him.  Pilot name Phil Alston.  Walked away with a cut on his forehead.  If that's his bird, it clearly wasn't modified with the twin antenna and obviously missed the paint stripping.  Late arrival maybe.  I'm hard pressed after re-reading Benbow, the Ops officer's diary about the stripping, not striping that they hadn't made the change prior to Iwo.  If that's Alston's Iwo crash, then it's the exception.

I guess we can debate it forever.  Not that you and i would ever do that :)
8th FS "Headhunters

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Re: P-51D "The Enchantress" 506th FG 457th FS
« Reply #41 on: December 01, 2010, 02:01:05 AM »
Among the photos are a number like this of the 51s on Tinian.  Single antenna, striped tails.  Could be that 510 was out of commision during the time they modified them but it would be a bit surprising they'd send it out on the first run to Japan without the navigation aides of the other squadron birds.

8th FS "Headhunters

Offline Megalodon

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Re: P-51D "The Enchantress" 506th FG 457th FS
« Reply #42 on: December 01, 2010, 03:38:59 AM »
Anyone know what the specific degree markings are for each of the lines?

(Image removed from quote.)
they are 10 through 50 degrees
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Re: P-51D "The Enchantress" 506th FG 457th FS
« Reply #43 on: December 02, 2010, 07:12:15 PM »
.....Outstanding............. ............................. ............................. .................
In Game name: Namco

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Re: P-51D "The Enchantress" 506th FG 457th FS
« Reply #44 on: January 10, 2011, 11:32:29 PM »

Personally I want the "Is this trip really necessary" skin :P
Like, ya know, when that thing that makes you move, it has pistons and things, When your thingamajigy is providing power, you do not hear other peoples thingamajig when they are providing power.
