we don't need a larger force to dominate......just need to stop falling into their game.
they hang a couple of miles from a base, and everyone keeps upping from there.....thus they get caught slow and low, still trying to gain fighting alt and speed. they jump on ya. you're down, and do it again. that is one of their tactics to rack up their k/d. no one ups from another base to push em back, or down.
they'll have one or two draw everyone into a low fight.....and let the other come in with one of the fast planes, and pick ya out of the fight. no one is flying high cap, or pushing em down.
all that is needed to show them that they're not as great as they think they are(they are excellent sticks though) is teamwork, and communication.
got a con lingering above the fight, picking? first one down, launch farther back, and grab enough alt to push it down. if it's one of them, it'll run, as they wanna protect that k/d ratio.
got cons lingering off the runway? same thing.
and finally.....even this post is doing exactly what we shouldn't be doing......feeding the trolls. we all need to stop these kinds of threads, and focus on the good/fun things in the arena.