lol this is getting old fast, kills in 262, no icons = easy mode = easy kills, i have never flown a 262 ( they don't really interest me) till a couple nights ago 1st flight 2 kills upon landing front nose gear broke and i died , second flight nothing encountered so i landed, same darn front gear problem and the slide for life ensued and i died, i think im landing to hot

personally i feel Rank is the big motivation for some people, just take the rank out of the AvA arena, if you want to go see your "rank" go to the homepage all your stats are there, i feel Rank/Score is always detremental to alot of OnLine games, like its some life accomplishment to be ranked #1 in some online game,BUT to some it is so you throw a bunch of people who think like that into a game it can get bad quick, look at how alot of FPS games are now, just run and gun and nadefests, anything for a kill to reach a higher rank,
yesterday was a perfect example i upped a hvy110 for a long run i seen 2 high f4's getting ready to engage a friendly so i decided to land as fast as i could and up something to turn fight in, (about that time i get a LOL why you hiding in your ack 110 on 200 from one of the pilots)landing gear down and i see them barreling in on me both trying to kill me as i landed, twarted two attemts from them but hit a tree and one gets the proxy, they both head off maybe 3k from tower so i up a fighter no sooner i got moving one dives in real fast kills me just after wheels up with a head on, i asked them both what the heck and they just LOL for score thats why