Author Topic: neutral base capture and play  (Read 252 times)

Offline alpini13

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neutral base capture and play
« on: December 01, 2010, 11:55:44 AM »
the only post that was anything similiar to this  was from 2007,maybe time to think of new concept.  the idea would be to have a small neutral area between each country...not the whole area ,maybe a quarter on BIG maps only of say 8-12 bases..that are neutral,they dont shoot at you and you can capture them with goon only...BUT once a capture has been made you have only a small window to capture others...say 3-5 minutes and then all remaining bases would become enemy simulate an attack on a country and then it goes to war by joining your would only be available on BIG maps and at time of reset and would have radar that all can see while it is while neutral you can see enemy aircraft and they can see yours of the neutral area. this would promote organized attacks of c-47 with escort by both sides...and being neutral,you could have two c-47 of different countries drop troops at same time on a base...first one with 10 troops in gets the base.or neither side makes the capture and uses the area as a buffer zone or early warning zone,but lets face long would that last,lol. this could be alot of fun once in a a jeep raid,or me163 mission,etc. and thanks for ALL the comments on my last posts,im just trying to come up with new ideas for a fun great game,nothing ventured nothing gained. :banana: