Author Topic: very long story with lots of pics  (Read 561 times)

Offline CAP1

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very long story with lots of pics
« on: December 09, 2010, 10:48:25 PM »
hope this one is as good as others have been.

 it was a cold morning. we had gotten the call to scramble. the british had just run a particularily rough bombing mission over night, and there were crews that bailed, or ditched in the channel. we needed all available aircraft out looking for them, as time was critical.
 there were other fighters out looking, and we were warned to keep our eyes opened for enemy fighters, as they were out on sweeps this morning.

 i jumped in my hawker hurricane, my crewchief helped me strap in, then stood at the ready as i fired her up. she needed a little extra prime, with the temps so low this morning. she finally caught, and i smiled to myself as 1280hp or merlin magic roared to life.

 chocks cleared, i taxi out across the grass, finishing my checklists as i go. one final runup, and i feed the throttle slowly in, holding right rudder to keep her tracking true. she accelerates nicely in the chill morning air, and seems to leap into the air, as i pull the gear lever.i head for the coast, as i climb to angels 5.
 level at angels 5, i hear calls for help. midway across the channel, a couple of our guys were jumped by me109's.
 snugging on my safety harness, i turn on the guns, and gunsight, set mixture, and push the throttle up to full.
 in the distance, i can see them. 4 me109's on a spitfire.

i steeled myself, and rolled into the swarm, as i made a quick call reporting the enemy altitude, strength, and location to command.
2 immediatly broke off of the spit, and came to me. i lost sight of one, but the other seemed as if he were glued to my tail.

 i was fast enough, that i could climb away from him, rather than turn, so close to the water. i reset, and came in again. this time, all 4 of them came after me like a swarm of angry bees.

 stay calm cap.....just keep the plane moving, and she'll take care of ya. hurricanes are tough. these are the real workhorses of the RAF, contrary to popular belief. i pull into a high yoyo, losing a couple for a moment, and i stand on the rudder, giving me a shot on one of them. CRAP!! i'm gonna hit him!!!! i was so close, i could see the german looking at me, in amazement. he had to have wondered how he got in front of me. out of reflex, and nothing more, i pushed the firing button, and saw several hits on his fuselage. i also noted that he(and the other three) all wore yellow noses on their aircraft.
 we had all heard about these guys. the abbeville boys i think the bomber crews called em. i hadn't thought they were operating this close to england though.
 now i was sweating a little. these guys were more feared than any other luftwaffe squadron. and i got 4 of em gunnin for me. where the hell's that help??

i pull back up after my shot, only to find 3 of em on my six again, but i also note another hurricane dropping into the fray. thank god!! now the odds are a little better. i yank the throttle back, dump flaps out, roll the stick hard right, and stand on the right rudder again, reversing on my pursuers. it did as it was intended, and seperated them. i got another shot off at one, as the other flew right by me,

 now i'm planted on this one. drano's warning me that i've got 2 on my six again, but by this point, i've gotten a bit fixated on my prey. i bet he's regretting having such bright colors on his plane right now. that yellow nose makes a wonderful target each time he turns.
 he pulls up hard, and i again throttle back as i pull hard on the stick, gaining a lead shot on him. but wait?? where the hell'd he go? crap!! i ram the throttle full forward, slam the stick and rudder to the right rolling over, and there he is, below me. he nosed over, trying to take advantage of having fuel injected engine. dam, this guy IS better than most. he lost a lot of speed there,......he may be good, but he doesn't have the room now to evade me much longer. i notice tracers going by the canopy, and duck. my adversary pulls into a flat left turn, and i follow, throttling back to gain lead again. just as i think i'm about to have a shot, i notice his wings start a right roll......stomp rudder, slam stick right and forward, squeeze firing button, just in time to see him cross my path, and fly right into my bullets. his wing folds, and he drops uncontrollably into the channel.

 i firewall the throttle again, and continue my roll, pulling the stick into my gut, nearly blacking out. i look over my shoulder, just in time to see my help stall his plane, and hit the water. now it's 1-2, as it appeared as if he had gotten one before hitting the drink.

 this is good. i've got both of these guys out of sync with me, and almost got them to collide with each other.
 one of them stays right with me, as the other keeps going out, and coming back through the fight with slashing attacks.

ingame 1LTCAP
80th FS "Headhunters"
S.A.P.P.- Secret Association Of P-38 Pilots (Lightning in a Bottle)

Offline CAP1

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Re: very long story with lots of pics
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2010, 10:53:59 PM »
i get a couple of hits on the one staying on me. this could turn ugly. fighting between 500ft and the channel, riding the stall horn. my bird is almost constantly shuddering, warning me of the onset of the stall. i keep pushing her though, as it is my only chance.
 another crossing shot. i thought i saw something come off. i see a trail too. is it fuel? or is it coolant? if it's coolant, he's going swimming rather soon.
 i pull my bird around, trying to saddle up on his six, but he's too good. he doesn't give me any good shots at all.

i pull around to the left and up, gaining some alt, and bleeding a little speed. he comes. dump flaps, and bury the stick in my gut again, allowing me to turn inside of him, bringing guns to bear before he can get his on me. it is nearly a head on shot, but outnumbered, it's a chance i need to take.
 it turned out to be a good gamble, as i see his right wing fold as he goes on by and under me. thank god!! two down.

 now i look frantically around for the last one. i can't find him, so i keep making a series of unpredictable and hard maneuvers, as i fear him to be hiding in my blind spot back there. finally, i see him. he's about 1500 yards away and going back towards france.
 i didn't question my luck there, but rather pointed my perforated bird back torwards england, and trimmed her for cruise flight.

 10 minutes later, i'm on the ground, virtually exhausted. so exhausted, i can't even climb out of the cockpit, and i shut her down on the side of the runway, still breathing heavy, and sweating heavily from the fight.

ingame 1LTCAP
80th FS "Headhunters"
S.A.P.P.- Secret Association Of P-38 Pilots (Lightning in a Bottle)

Offline Dichotomy

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Re: very long story with lots of pics
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2010, 11:02:16 PM »
JG11 - Dicho37Only The Proud Only The Strong AH Players who've passed on :salute

Offline ImADot

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Re: very long story with lots of pics
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2010, 09:14:49 AM »
Great story Cap, and great screenies too.   :aok

It's sad that most MA people never see these kinds of fights because nobody wants to fly Early War planes and all too often you see Allied planes fighting Allied planes.  The fixed-side planesets is one big reason why AvA is so much fun most of the time. 
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GigaByte GA-X99-UD4 Mobo w/ 16Gb RAM
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Offline CAP1

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Re: very long story with lots of pics
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2010, 09:32:20 AM »
thanks.......i had actually not intended to get into any 3-1 or 4-1's.......but it happened. the cool thing is that i had a chance because i didn't have a big red neon sign over my head.

 not that any of us in the ava are better than anyone else.......but one decent fight in the ava id better than a half dozen average good fights in the other arenas. one good fight in the ava is better than pretty much any fight in the other arenas. this was a good fight.  :aok
ingame 1LTCAP
80th FS "Headhunters"
S.A.P.P.- Secret Association Of P-38 Pilots (Lightning in a Bottle)

Offline SAJ73

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Re: very long story with lots of pics
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2010, 07:00:46 PM »
Great story, and great pics. This sure is one of those fights worth to remember.  :aok