This plug is round , take some pliers and squeeze it gently to slight oval This will make it a tight fit
That was my fix.
Have you also done the hall effect magnet mod?
I ordered another one, shipping($4.00) was more than the cable ($0.90). went to cable 10M2-01103 MiniDin6 (PS/2) Male / MiniDin6 (PS/2 ) Male, 6C, Straight, 3 ft
Two magnets left and right of hall sensor, putting magnets directly under sensor reduces masive amount of deadzone and nose bounce, use double sided tape to position magnets Guy on youtube shows how to so it using blutak, its 20 min mod a lot of people do it.
I'm doing the magnet mod right now. I've officially gotten sick of the corporate bull from Logitech, and will be boxing my G940 back up and going back to my X52. If/when they decide to fix the issues then maybe I'll change my mind. If the magnet mod does what it's supposed to, then I might end up being more than happy with the X52 in the long run anyhow...