Drop a layer of clouds to 1k or so. Would prevent bombers from spoiling the fight between the V-bases. Thoughts?
I think fighters and jabos should be able to climb without losing any speed whatsoever... like the GV guys get to do when they
move off a road and go cross-country without any subsequent loss in speed.
I think fighters and jabos should be able to pick up "supplies" in the air, which somehow magically repair/replace
every single part on their aircraft which sustained damage.
I think certain parts of the air should be considered "concrete" for fighters and jabos so that they can loiter there
in the middle of an air to air fight. If they sustain damage, be it minor or major, they can just hit .ef and
miraculously reappear in the tower, resulting in a "successful landing" and denying the enemy a legitimate "kill".
I think there should be a "dOmE oF dEnIaL" 2K around every airfield and aircraft which repels any caliber round fired from a ground
vehicle at any airfield or aircraft.
I think any aircraft which is vulching should be able to hover over the field for two hours , receiving a full gun/cannon/ord loadout
immediately whenever a friendly C47 flies over it..or within 200 yards. The C47 would drop several crates of ammunition
which would be instantaneously loaded and armed.
I think aircraft should be able to magically "spawn" an entire sector or two away from a friendly airfield so they don't have
to waste precious time flying to or perhaps returning to a fight.