Alright, I've gotta say it, because you guys are driving me fricken' NUTS with it.
It's P-61 Black Widow. NOT Widowmaker.
Thank was driving me crazy too.

I think that there could be a use for the P-61 in game as a mobile radar platform. I'm not sure how much coding it would take, but we already have movable radar on the CV's.
However it should differ from CV dar in the following ways:
P-61 radar should be able to toggle on and off.
The enemy inside the P-61 radar ring should
only be visible to friendly aircraft inside the ring.
I think that the P-61 should show up to the other 2 countries on the clipboard map when its radar is switched on (regardless of whether its inside a dar ring or not)
These features would offer incentive to use the aircraft as well as a way for keen map watchers to track down the P-61 assisted raids.