Author Topic: “Defend” button on clipboard  (Read 1206 times)

Offline CptTrips

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Re: “Defend” button on clipboard
« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2011, 03:28:25 PM »
doesnt this defeat the idea of a NOE or GV raid?

I suppose that depends on who you ask. ;)

I don’t think it harms them any more or less than a flashing field icon on the map, except in that it might encourage a more timely defense by making it a little easier to just jump to where the action is.  Just to clarify, it doesn’t show any field in this list unless its icon is already flashing on the map.  Its just a more efficient view of the data.

The NOE is still going to be just about on top of the field by the time it will show up on the list.
I personally like it when people start trying to launch when a NOE I am in arrives.  It just adds to the excitement of the time crunch, and they make nice targets.

I think its superior to the “Base under attack” message.  That gets old after a while and really doesn’t tell me much.  I suspect it stops even getting peoples attention after a while.  Uhhh which base?  Five bases flashing on my map…uhh which is the one that just started?


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Re: “Defend” button on clipboard
« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2011, 05:06:58 PM »
SA in the tower is the same as SA in your bird.... Thought you AK's knew that?
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Re: “Defend” button on clipboard
« Reply #17 on: January 06, 2011, 05:08:28 PM »
OK, never thought about that, I don't have to bother using it

Yeah.  Sorry if I was unclear on that.

The normal mode of viewing the map and selecting a field is still there.

What is suggested is a separate tab to provide a defensive "Quick Start" interface.  If you don't want to use it, you'd never have to.

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Re: “Defend” button on clipboard
« Reply #18 on: January 06, 2011, 05:18:57 PM »
SA in the tower is the same as SA in your bird.... Thought you AK's knew that?

Heh.  Well, I’m dummer than your average AK.  :neener:

I think this would prove useful for the same reason there is a majority of people who prefer just to punch “join mission” and be told where to go in the offense case.  Sure there are player who like to analyse the map, plan the attack and setup and run the mission; and then there are people who just say “Fine.  Just tell me where you need me to go.”  I, and I suspect many others, generally fall into the latter group. ;)

This would be the defense version of the “join mission” button.  They can just go to the tab and say “Fine.  Just tell me where you need me to go.”

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Re: “Defend” button on clipboard
« Reply #19 on: January 06, 2011, 07:30:05 PM »
What fields show up on this list would follow the same logic as what fields are flashing.  Its just a list of flashing fields. 

I can't remember right fields not flash if their DAR are down?

if dar is up and a base starts flashing, you will hear the "base under attack" message and it will flash on the clipboard.

But if this gets added, if the dar is already down and is not being attacked and someone starts attacking it, it should not be put to the front of the line to be defended just like it is now. If dar is out, then you dont get the verbal warning its under attack, so the same should apply to this new feature.
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Re: “Defend” button on clipboard
« Reply #20 on: January 07, 2011, 09:33:53 PM »
Was on my phone and couldn't edit...... Forgot to add the  :D 




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