Author Topic: Tanks will need so major workout in AH  (Read 266 times)


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Tanks will need so major workout in AH
« on: April 08, 2000, 08:06:00 PM »
Ok well im on my 2 week trail as I knew tanks were comeing to this sim, I have played the beta and I first must <S> HT/Pyro]
for the release of 1.02 and its inclusion of the ground vehicles and the new terrain.

Anyway on too the tanks in this game, I wont mention the M-16 as its pretty much ok and some stuff here will cover all ground vehicles.

Right then first off the tanks control system needs to be fixed up so that players can use seprate joystick/key mappings for them, I did hear HT mention that this will be fixed sooner or later anyway, but here are my suggestions anyway. We need to be able to use or HOTAS systems for control of the tanks in the same way as M1TP2 did from Micropose, thottles should control the speed
of our tanks and our rudder peddles need to be able to control the direction our tanks are moveing in, the joystick should be able control the turret L & R and the gun up/down.
This way we have full control of all functions of the tank from any view we want to be in.

We also need to have a commanders view from the hatch and be able to control the machine gun on the top of the tank while up there, this will aid in the defence of the tank against AC straffing us if we dont have any AA units with us, other than that the tank views are great and feel very real  .

Now the big one, in its current form in AH the icons on the tank and the dot that the tank becomes in AH before icons is really going to stop people from driveing them in this game, its far to easy to spot ground units from the air and once spotted you basicly are dead meat, so that 1-2 hour drive you just took was all wasted because of the neon sign on your head, I think any grond vehicle controled by players should have no icons and no dot at all, if planes want to go looking for gorund vehicles they should have to do it like they would in real life ops, fly low and cover as much of the country side they can using there eyes to find us out there, then can then radio back to there country the cordinates of the found tanks and others can try and find them from that intel. Like I said even the dot needs to go, in real life tanks were hard to spot and also had more cover than AH gives us. this will at least give the tanks and the guys who want to drive them a fighting chance of getting somewhere in AH and also make the game a lot more fun for all involved, it will give the game the strategy AH should have with the tanks now implemented.

Anyway these are my thoughts on the ground vehicles and how they should end up in AH, most of them are based from my time playing M1TP2 which is totaly based on tanks I know this is the first release and HT probly has some of these in his plans anyway.  

Offline bloom25

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Tanks will need so major workout in AH
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2000, 10:35:00 PM »
Guess what?  The patch added the ability to steer the tank with rudder input from the turret AND reduced the icon range.  Right away two of your problems are solved.    (There are also a whole bunch of other tank fixes in the patch.)

Not only that, but at least one more patch will be released for this version to fix HTH.
