3 B20s are not weak at all... few well placed rounds and the baby bird in front of you is going byebye. Its just the drop rate of the russian 20s that get ya and the ammo load
I just can't agree with the desire to perk more planes. The LA7 is dominant under 8k true, but by calling for the LA7 to be prked, you are also going to have to perk the K4, D9, P51, Spit 16 and then there is going to be th next tier of dominant planes which will start the cycle over again - meanwhile we have basically made a game where perks become centrral to success, we have more people who are shy about their perk planes, and it will destroy the pvp enviornment as it is now (which is why people who run make no sensee to me - extention yes, reset yes, run no).
Thee tempest, C-Hog and 4-Hog are unbalancing for sure, and there is a good thread here that is asking for the spit 14 to be unperked - which I agree with.
If people don't want to deal with these late war birds, then there is the MW and EW arenas to fly in.