I found this video of a 190D-13, its an original Junkers Jumo 213 engine, note that for the first half of the video they are manualy starting it, not sure why as it had an electrical starter, which they use later on in the video, they say on the comments that the owners dont want to fly it because it is too rare (thank you ) and also that this plane was restored in the 1970's and I am not sure of its wereabouts at the momentEnjoy the sights and soundshttp://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=4Y5LBUVS1T8
can you actually call the original creaters of that plane(if there still in buisness) and pay for one to be built for you to own for civilian flight?
Correct, Back then all of these warbirds had their own seperate jigs and tooling, and I am not sure how many jigs there are left in existance
Oh no doubt that the Blueprints/plans still exist, but to make the jigs and tooling to actually build one would have an astronomical price tag