Editor's note: "The title of this thread is of course, a farcical embellishment and in no way representative of the maximum tardage of this squad."The Instigators is a massive mega squad currently comprised of two players and some chirping crickets.
We are seeking like minded guys or cute sounding girls to join our never ending struggle against the horde.
You need no skills to apply. I made squad XO that way and see no reason to shake things up.
It would be better with at least two more squaddies so we can resume the great squad night canyon duels in the DA.
Not exactly uber pilots, but we can put up a hell of a fight against the red guys.
Our philosophy is simple: fly what you want, where you want and occasionally try to steal your squaddie's kills.
Though our name is
The Instigators, we aren't out to get anyone's hackles up. Unless they are in a Wirbelwind,
which really needs no explanation. We tend to fly some of the less common aircraft and sometimes even land them.
Mostly, we joke around on vox and heckle each other, so be prepared to get back everything you dish out.
Below is a checklist of things
AH to better describe our playstyle and see if you fit in:
1. Play for score -
NO 2. Care about "the war" -
NO3. Fly wingman tactics -
NO4. Take bases -
NO5. Defend bases -
YES6. Switch countries to help the low numbered side -
YES (we love an underdog)
7. Bomb ground vehicles -
HELL YES (sure beats bombing cartoon buildings)
There will be no orders, objectives or any kind of pressure to accomplish a specific agenda. We are adults and play this game to have fun. If you are looking for a small squad atmosphere (with a penchant for comic mishaps), give us a holler.
CO - Haxxor BBS- dkff49
XO - Snuggie (XO by virtue of squad population