Hellfire wrote:
"Greetings bbosen (peabody)
Thx for ur hardwork in producing the "Offline Missions", I've most or ur
works & would like to see more, as I understand you produced quite a few films of ur son & urself in "Airwarrior"
Would it be possible to replicate ur past missions in EITHER AH2 or
Airwarrior, particularly films such as "Flax", etc? Would u be able to
provide us w/info as from what source we'd be able to d/l Airwarrior
in order to enjoy ur past films/missions?"Yes, it's true that I published a lot of missions for Air Warrior many years ago. I still have them. Just for grins, I dusted off one of the simpler ones last week and converted it for use with Aces High. It's described elsewhere in this forum. Look here:
http://bbs.hitechcreations.com/smf/index.php/topic,304463.0.htmlIt took me all day to finish the conversion, and another day to tweak the timings of the audio banter. It was fun, but I can't invest that kind of time very often. Perhaps I'll do more of this, but you'll have to be patient....
There's an "Air Warrior" section on my web site, for the nostalgic among you (or you young whipper-snappers that want to know what us old geezers used to call fun). Look here:
http://techvideoreview.com/FlightSimMovies/AirWarrior/AirWarriorFullPage00.htmThere are some movies, etc.
I have seen various versions of the airwar.exe code floating around the 'Net from time to time. Maybe you could find a copy from one of the download sites. (But be careful. Downloading executable files from unknown sites is always risky. Follow well-known, sensible security practices: Make sure your firewall is active and that you are running an up-to-date virus scanner. If you aren't comfortable with the ads or links on the site, look for something that's better established.)
I have all of the free versions of Air Warrior that they ever distributed. I can get them to work under Windows versions prior to XP easily. I've also done it under XP, but it's tricky. Under LINUX I haven't had much success, except for the very old "DOS" versions under "DOSBOX". In general, I've had a lot of trouble calibrating controls. Rudder pedals often work backwards, etc.
Air Warrior.... It was great. Brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it!
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