so i guess to keep myself from shooting my computer and complaining daily about getting picked by a skill less wing man ruining what i thought was a good 1v1 maybe i should join what seems to be the majority. Ill be honest working as a team to set up a single plane for an easy pick doesnt sound like its much fun or should it take much skill but seems to be the norm. I have no problem getting picked or ganged when i fly into a furball but when im all alone and either get jumped by 2 planes or while fighting a single guy and his buddy comes out of nowhere and picks me off cause his "wingman" was about to get his bellybutton handed to him just irritates me to no end. I know nothing about wingman tactics besides clearing someones 6 before he gets picked LOL anyone interested? i know what you just read sounds motivating but if i dont find something to make this game fun again ill have no choice but to hang it up.
Let's approach this from a true military angle & ask this question: How would you fix this if you could?
Maybe we could include, in the MOTD, a "chivalry" clause.
Here is pro-active way. That is to let anyone in the area know that you will take on anyone yourself! Now I know that seems very sarcastic, but seriously that is what you are asking for.
Why is it not any fun to work as a team? Why is 1v1 so important? Maybe what you can do is challenge yourself to stay alive by bugging out. After all, combat is about having the advantage.
I've gotta admit, I'm not very good at clearing someones six. As a matter fact, if it were real life, I would probably shoot the friendly down before I got the enemy shot down

So, when I get to actually help, it feels good. On the reverse side of the coin, I am grateful when someone clears my six.
So now back to the real question. How would you fix this?