Author Topic: wingman tactics  (Read 7271 times)

Offline grumpy37

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wingman tactics
« on: January 20, 2011, 06:25:24 PM »
so i guess to keep myself from shooting my computer and complaining daily about getting picked by a skill less wing man ruining what i thought was a good 1v1 maybe i should join what seems to be the majority.  Ill be honest working as a team to set up a single plane for an easy pick doesnt sound like its much fun or should it take much skill but seems to be the norm. I have no problem getting picked or ganged when i fly into a furball but when im all alone and either get jumped by 2 planes or while fighting a single guy and his buddy comes out of nowhere and picks me off cause his "wingman" was about to get his bellybutton handed to him just irritates me to no end.  I know nothing about wingman tactics besides clearing someones 6 before he gets picked  LOL   anyone interested? i know what you just read sounds motivating but if i dont find something to make this game fun again ill have no choice but to hang it up. 
CO VF-10 "Grim Reapers"   Member JG54 in AVA

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Re: wingman tactics
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2011, 06:39:54 PM »
Grump if you and I are on at the same time and on the same side I'll wing with ya bro :D
JG11 - Dicho37Only The Proud Only The Strong AH Players who've passed on :salute

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Re: wingman tactics
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2011, 06:45:58 PM »
I have no problem getting picked or ganged when i fly into a furball but when im all alone and either get jumped by 2 planes or while fighting a single guy and his buddy comes out of nowhere and picks me off cause his "wingman" was about to get his bellybutton handed to him just irritates me to no end. 

Yeah I know it sucks, but by the same token, when one is about to get shot down, one tends to appreciate someone coming in to save one's butt, so it kinda works both ways.

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Re: wingman tactics
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2011, 06:59:11 PM »
eh, i think i view it differently.  I have no problem getting shot down 1v1.  if i let the guy get on my donut then he deserves the kill, not to be picked by my buddy right before.  Just my opinion is all.  I know i view the game differently then most
CO VF-10 "Grim Reapers"   Member JG54 in AVA

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Re: wingman tactics
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2011, 07:00:34 PM »
you got it dicho,  ill be your student...    :D
CO VF-10 "Grim Reapers"   Member JG54 in AVA

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Re: wingman tactics
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2011, 07:11:22 PM »
eh, i think i view it differently.  I have no problem getting shot down 1v1.  if i let the guy get on my donut then he deserves the kill, not to be picked by my buddy right before.  Just my opinion is all.  I know i view the game differently then most

You said in your original post you clear peoples six... So what's the difference. Where have you been flying anyway? I'm constantly killed trying to shoot a guy down and having his buddy come up and nail me. I've seen as many as four guys at once attacking me when I'm alone. Where is this nirvana you've been flying in? Tuesday night were you not along with your squadmates and another squad happily ganging and vultching at A19? Or was there some reason that was okay and whatever happened to you today wasn't? Seriously are you just having a bad day? Because what you're complaining about is the norm from what I've witnessed. I don't know how guys participating a game with individuals from all across the world flying airplanes hell bent on shooting each other down expect everyone to not shoot at them personally when they are not expecting it. I think you're a great guy Grumpy, but nobody owes you anything when it comes to pulling the trigger. :ahand

Don't know what that emoticon means but just had to use it.

JG-11"Black Hearts"...nur die Stolzen, nur die Starken

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Offline Oldman731

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Re: wingman tactics
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2011, 07:17:20 PM »
I have no problem getting picked or ganged when i fly into a furball but when im all alone and either get jumped by 2 planes or while fighting a single guy and his buddy comes out of nowhere and picks me off cause his "wingman" was about to get his bellybutton handed to him just irritates me to no end.  

An age-old dispute, Grumpy, there's no solution.  Join them or learn to live with them is the only answer.

- oldman

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Re: wingman tactics
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2011, 08:14:53 PM »
You said in your original post you clear peoples six... So what's the difference. Where have you been flying anyway? I'm constantly killed trying to shoot a guy down and having his buddy come up and nail me. I've seen as many as four guys at once attacking me when I'm alone. Where is this nirvana you've been flying in? Tuesday night were you not along with your squadmates and another squad happily ganging and vultching at A19? Or was there some reason that was okay and whatever happened to you today wasn't? Seriously are you just having a bad day? Because what you're complaining about is the norm from what I've witnessed. I don't know how guys participating a game with individuals from all across the world flying airplanes hell bent on shooting each other down expect everyone to not shoot at them personally when they are not expecting it. I think you're a great guy Grumpy, but nobody owes you anything when it comes to pulling the trigger. :ahand

Don't know what that emoticon means but just had to use it.

all i can say is wow.  i can tell you not one of us vulched anyone that i know of anyway.  Like i said or maybe i didnt explain it correctly. Large numbers in any arena, as was the case the other night, or a furball situation i would say its fair game.  when im the only player on for my chess piece and i get picked while engaged with someone i think i have every right to be pist and irritated. Maybe i should view it as i owned that guy and he is lucky his buddy saved him but im not arrogant like that.   I clear peoples 6 when they are getting ganged up on or in a furball, I NEVER engage another player thats obviously in the middle of a 1v1 in this arena.   I know its my problem to deal with and obviously im a minority in my thinking thats why I said maybe its time for me to hang it up for a bit, maybe for good.  I sit down at my computer to have a good time not get more irritated then i already was.  Ive tried brushing it off as just the game and its just not working.      

 :ahand i believe is the emoticon for getting your donut handed to you.....
« Last Edit: January 20, 2011, 08:23:47 PM by grumpy37 »
CO VF-10 "Grim Reapers"   Member JG54 in AVA

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Re: wingman tactics
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2011, 09:16:00 PM »
i know exactly what you're talkin about. it happens all the time to me. i die a lot. the p-38 is like a friggin magnet. but then sometimes, ya get a couple of peeps together, and it's totally different.

 i was in a fight while flying a hurri1. went from a 3-1(i was the 1) to a 4-2, back down to a 3-1 as the guy that came to help augered immediatly after killing one of them. i shot down 2 of the other three, and the third ran away with his tail between his legs.  :D

 i'll be glad to fly with ya when i manage to get online.......just don't use me as bait.  :devil
ingame 1LTCAP
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Re: wingman tactics
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2011, 09:30:43 PM »
Just to let you know I chase 38's just HOPING it's you bro :D
JG11 - Dicho37Only The Proud Only The Strong AH Players who've passed on :salute

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Re: wingman tactics
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2011, 10:04:37 PM »
Just to let you know I chase 38's just HOPING it's you bro :D
:rofl :rofl

ingame 1LTCAP
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Re: wingman tactics
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2011, 10:54:40 PM »
so i guess to keep myself from shooting my computer and complaining daily about getting picked by a skill less wing man ruining what i thought was a good 1v1 maybe i should join what seems to be the majority.  Ill be honest working as a team to set up a single plane for an easy pick doesnt sound like its much fun or should it take much skill but seems to be the norm. I have no problem getting picked or ganged when i fly into a furball but when im all alone and either get jumped by 2 planes or while fighting a single guy and his buddy comes out of nowhere and picks me off cause his "wingman" was about to get his bellybutton handed to him just irritates me to no end.  I know nothing about wingman tactics besides clearing someones 6 before he gets picked  LOL   anyone interested? i know what you just read sounds motivating but if i dont find something to make this game fun again ill have no choice but to hang it up.  

Let's approach this from a true military angle & ask this question: How would you fix this if you could?
 Maybe we could include, in the MOTD, a "chivalry" clause.
Here is pro-active way. That is to let anyone in the area know that you will take on anyone yourself!  Now I know that seems very sarcastic, but seriously that is what you are asking for.  
Why is it not any fun to work as a team?  Why is 1v1 so important?  Maybe what you can do is challenge yourself to stay alive by bugging out. After all, combat is about having the advantage.
I've gotta admit, I'm not very good at clearing someones six. As a matter fact, if it were real life, I would probably shoot the friendly down before I got the enemy shot down  :lol    So, when I get to actually help, it feels good.  On the reverse side of the coin, I am grateful when someone clears my six.

So now back to the real question. How would you fix this?
« Last Edit: January 20, 2011, 10:56:12 PM by noTch »
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Re: wingman tactics
« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2011, 11:04:09 PM »
all i can say is wow.  i can tell you not one of us vulched anyone that i know of anyway.  Like i said or maybe i didnt explain it correctly. Large numbers in any arena, as was the case the other night, or a furball situation i would say its fair game.  when im the only player on for my chess piece and i get picked while engaged with someone i think i have every right to be pist and irritated. Maybe i should view it as i owned that guy and he is lucky his buddy saved him but im not arrogant like that.   I clear peoples 6 when they are getting ganged up on or in a furball, I NEVER engage another player thats obviously in the middle of a 1v1 in this arena.   I know its my problem to deal with and obviously im a minority in my thinking thats why I said maybe its time for me to hang it up for a bit, maybe for good.  I sit down at my computer to have a good time not get more irritated then i already was.  Ive tried brushing it off as just the game and its just not working.      

 :ahand i believe is the emoticon for getting your donut handed to you.....

First off make sure you understand I'm not hammering on you. I'm just curious as to where some of you guys get the idea the place is special and everybody politely bows out of a shot if it's not the polite thing to do. If I fly around with that attitude it only takes one engagement to see my error in judgement. Seriously I have been lazy in merges the past few months expecting a nice gentlemanly contest of ACM only to have my lips ripped off in a ho. No more of that stupidity for me. The rules are simple up a plane and kill the other guy. You have no right to expect your opponents to do anything other than try to kill you in the quickest fashion possible. Expecting otherwise leads to frustration which in turn cost you enjoyment. The guy in the other plane is a human being. That means he's probably self centered egotistical and up to no good. Do yourself a favor and kill the bastage as quickly as possible. Because if you don't he or one of his friends is going to kill you. This really isn't real the skills and knowledge everybody brags about having are over rated. Try and go get a job or get laid using your Aces High skills as the basis for your worth to the other individual. Out of the 6 billion people on earth only a couple of thousand give a rat's rear end about AH. Even fewer than that that care about the AVA. So don't get mad get even kill the guy. :D By the way when you kill him enjoy the moment because it is a game and that goober is already up in a fresh new plane hunting your butt.  :aok

<S> Grumpy play it and enjoy it.

JG-11"Black Hearts"...nur die Stolzen, nur die Starken

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Re: wingman tactics
« Reply #13 on: January 20, 2011, 11:10:03 PM »
just outta curiousity?

is it hard to talk without your lips?
ingame 1LTCAP
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Re: wingman tactics
« Reply #14 on: January 20, 2011, 11:19:43 PM »
so i guess to keep myself from shooting my computer and complaining daily about getting picked by a skill less wing man ruining what i thought was a good 1v1 maybe i should join what seems to be the majority.  Ill be honest working as a team to set up a single plane for an easy pick doesnt sound like its much fun or should it take much skill but seems to be the norm. I have no problem getting picked or ganged when i fly into a furball but when im all alone and either get jumped by 2 planes or while fighting a single guy and his buddy comes out of nowhere and picks me off cause his "wingman" was about to get his bellybutton handed to him just irritates me to no end.  I know nothing about wingman tactics besides clearing someones 6 before he gets picked  LOL   anyone interested? i know what you just read sounds motivating but if i dont find something to make this game fun again ill have no choice but to hang it up. 

Come on grumpy, the only way to get a nice 1v1 is to invite someone to the DA and go at it. I do this all the time but I never expect a 1v1 in the AvA, MA, or anywhere else. I think your expectations are missed placed. To me, fun equals flying with my squad buddy's and kill everything, any way we can. Skill-less, I don't think so, just a different way of flying. Part of the group you were flying against today was the LD. This is how we roll. You can go to our website and read up on LD tactics. ( ) If you like I would happy to go toe to toe with you in the DA. But in the AvA &MA, there will always be the "other" plane coming in and picking.