The Marine Air Wing, one of the largest and most renowned squadrons of the Knights has recently undergone a reorganization.
This move has created a new role for the VMA-223 "Bulldogs". We are now the Tactical and Strategic Level Bomber Group for the Marine Air Wing.
We are currently accepting applications for recruits on a probabtionary period.
If you are proficient in Level Bombing, or are interested in sharpening these skills, I strongly encourage you to apply.
Please note, we are a very strict squad. You will be required, among other things, to follow a strict chain of command. You must be able to follow orders without question.
If you cannot manage the above rules, please do not apply.
If your application is accepted, your proficiency wil be tested in the Training Arena.
If you pass the tests, you will be given your flight status as a probationary 2nd Lieutenant in VMA-223.
After a 1 month period of active duty, you will be removed from Probation and placed on full Squad status.
The MAW flies as a group on Tuesday and Saturday nights, with operations beginning at 9pm EST.
On these 2 nights, you are required to fly with the squad, and follow the orders of your superior officers.
All other nights, you are free to fly as you wish, but please be aware, flying for another country is heavily frowned upon.
For futher information, please contact the VMA-223 Commanding officer at