Author Topic: Working on new Squad project.  (Read 2275 times)

Offline RAM

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Working on new Squad project.
« on: August 29, 2000, 05:11:00 PM »
Hello all.

I am currently working on an idea of a new "school squad", one that "trains" new people for 2 weeks and then gives them the choice of keep into the squadron or move away to let other people get experience in MA, while, at the same time, is a true and competitive squad.

I will soon create JG26 or Jg3 ( still trying to decide wich one), a squad that will grow slowly up to 16 people, training them and other people in the meantime. I am posting here my first drawing of the future JG3/26.

There will be two levels of membership. The Warrant Officer, and the Officer level.


The warrant officers are the "newbie" people training and getting experience in the squad.

 Instead of been trained in TA only,(there will be a fair part of TA training, too), this new squad will actively fly with newbies in Main Arena, to give them a correct sensation of Strategy, tactics, and teamwork, required to have fun on it.

 Members on this level will never be more than two at the same time(three in the first call for members) to make possible for them to be surrounded by more experienced people and so be better protected ,able to raise some kills and have more fun.

The only requirement to be W.O. is to be a LEGAL MEMBER of Aces High, so the 2 week trial has ALREADY passed, and to want to have a fun time with the squad.

During the 2 weeks of this level the reclutee will choose the plane he wants to fly each sortie, and the assigned Officer winging him will fly the same plane. This way the new member will learn to fly all planes, their strenghts and weak points, and will have a better feeling on the right tactics to use in each one. There will be a natural focusing on German iron (one of each 3 sorties should be on a german plane) as the squad is a german one. This is a must be, because in the officer level the squad member will only fly German iron (well some casual sorties in other planes aren't banned   but only few ones each tour).

After 2 weeks of teamwork, training, and MA experience, the member will have the choice of stick with the squad, and becoming a officer, or leave it to join the one he wants and fits him better, as a more experienced pilot.


This level is the "real" JG3/26. Here there is the real core of the squad. After 2 weeks Warrant officers are given the choice of accepting the conditions of an officer,or leave and join the squad of their will. The rules of this new JG will be:

-THE OFFICERS WILL -ALWAYS- HELP ANY WARRANT OFFICER FIRST. If a W.O. calls you for help you will do it letting aside any other consideration.

-ONLY GERMAN IRON ALLOWED.unless you are winging with a Warrant officer and he wants to fly anything else. As Ju88s are coming, the buffs are INCLUDED in this category. not so C47s  

-THE OFFICERS WILL BE WILLING TO HELP ANY SQUADDIE IF CALLED FOR HELP, in any situation, any moment, regardless other considerations.

-THE OFFICERS WONT FLY AS SCOREpotatoS: Ack hugging is EXPRESSELY rejected (taking off from capped fields IS NOT ack huggin   ).

-THE OFFICERS WILL BE WILLING TO FIGHT unless this option is ruled out by big odds against them, heavy damage, no ammo (MGs COUNTS AS AMMO HERE), or fuel low.

 There will be one CO (me), one XO and one communications officer. The XO will be chosen by me as the CO in my absence.

The communications officer is a way to say that, as I have no damned idea of HTML   , I need someone to volunteer to create and maintain a webpage of the squadron.

JG3/26 (Dang...I like more Jg26 but Jg3 is good too!!   ) will start at bishland. When the Officer force reaches 8, a votation will happen, and the country chosen in it will be the squad's homeland for the rest of the time.

The Officer force will stop at 16, after it, the training will still be up but no more officers will be allowed unless one resigns and abandons the squad.

Well the idea is there. I have very well formed the Officer level but will gratefully accept ideas on the Warrant Officer level.

Please feel free to give me any thoughts on this project, and email me ( if you want to be one of the 3 first W.O.s

Any thoughts?

[This message has been edited by RAM (edited 08-29-2000).]

Offline wolf37

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« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2000, 05:29:00 PM »
hi RAM:

first off, I think it is a good idea as it will help out the newbies and hopfully get more poeple to stay in the game and increase the numbers.

second, do you plan on moving the training squad from team to team, or is one team just going to grab all the newbies and keep them for that team. because when newbies see a training squad, that is the team they will head to and after two weeks, will more then likly stay with that team. and I would be glad to let any newbie I talk to know about the training squad if and only if the training squad moves from team to team.
I do not think I am a good enough pilot to help train newbies, but I do try to help out when I can. but if all the newbies end up on the same team because of a squad of trainers, then I have a problem with that. all three teams need the newbies so all three teams can grow, if only one team grows, well I am sure you can see the problems that will rise from this.

well I dont know what else to say but I do hope this makes some sence to you, and I really do hope your training squad works out, it would be a great help to the newbies.


Offline RAM

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« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2000, 05:40:00 PM »
Hi, wolf.

The problem with this plan is that the number of people training at the same time will be greatly restricted. I will start as the only "officer" member and train 3 W.O.s Hopefully they'll stay as officers and then we will be 4 Officers. Then the rate of newbies training will be 2 each two weeks, maybe when we have grown up to 8 or 12 people the top training people will be up to 3 or 4 newbies per 2 weeks.

This is a must be, as the guys training must be less than the Officers. Why?, because if they are going to be trained they need a instructor each time they come online. If there are more training people than officers then the hole sense of the project falls down.

The squad will be bishop until 8 Officers are part of it. Then a votation will happen (I'll vote for Knitland, BTW  )and the definitive homeland will be selected. The training guys will go to the country of their election after the 2 weeks of W.O.

Hope it is more clear now   Thanks for the input.


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« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2000, 05:43:00 PM »
You should use the name of one of the real Luftwaffe operational training units.  I will try to look up the names of these.

Offline crabofix

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« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2000, 07:34:00 AM »


A very nice idea, that we all will benefit from.
El Crabo

Offline Staga

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« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2000, 07:53:00 AM »
Hiya RAM

If you need any help send me a e-mail. I'll help with your squad's site if I can.

Offline Wanker

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« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2000, 08:16:00 AM »
<S> RAM, good luck. This is a much better idea than ranting on the BBS.  

P/O banana
XO 308(Polish) Sqn "City of Cracow" RAF

Multi-Frame Events Team Lead, Aces High Scenario Corps.
"Aces High is like sex: When it's good, it's really good. And when it's bad, it's still pretty good."

Offline RAM

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« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2000, 08:42:00 AM »
Well thanks for the support,guys. I'm trying to recreate a squad with an atmosphere of that of the JG2 I joined when I came here. A squad not very big but always willing to help the new guys who join the squad.

In this project I give a step beyond, making the training and learning proccess of the W.O.s a bassic thing of the squad. And there is a step beyond, too, in the way that Officers will only fly German iron unless training a W.O. This will be a true organized Jagdgeschwader at the same time that is a "school"  .

About the concerning of some people about the trained people staying in the same country, is senseless. If a W.O. Shows a big love for F4Us we'll tell him that he should give VMFs and red dragons a try, If he likes P51s we'll talk him about 357th and 13th TAS, if he likes Spits and Typhoons we'll send him to Funked's barbie squad     (J/K of course!!  ), if he likes bombers we'll send him to bomber dedicated squads...

And if he likes LW planes we'll try to convince him to stay as Officer  

As all these squads are dispersed in all 3 countries there is no reason to be concerned.  

Offline gatt

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« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2000, 08:50:00 AM »
Good idea RAM   Good work. Being axis, we can send you some C.205s for better training ...  
"And one of the finest aircraft I ever flew was the Macchi C.205. Oh, beautiful. And here you had the perfect combination of italian styling and german engineering .... it really was a delight to fly ... and we did tests on it and were most impressed." - Captain Eric Brown

Offline Ozark

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« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2000, 12:29:00 PM »
<S> Ram

Offline AKDejaVu

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« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2000, 01:49:00 PM »
Maybe I'm the only one missing the point of this RAM... what are you adding to the equation?

So.. people have already learned to basics from the people selected to be AH trainers.  They need a new level of training that can best be done by a squad.... any squad.

I'm sorry, but given your distinct biases, prejudices and reactivity... I feel this would best be left to either the individual squads or the AH trainers.

Wanting to train all the new people in the arena should not be the only pre-requisit.


Offline RAM

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« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2000, 02:03:00 PM »
Originally posted by AKDejaVu:
Maybe I'm the only one missing the point of this RAM... what are you adding to the equation?

Trainers go to TA with newbies and teach them how to fly.

JG26 will take newbies and teach them MA tactics, strategy, and teamwork, and will do this "training" on MA in ALL And EACH plane on the planeset. To know how to fly in one plane you MUST know how does the rest of the planes fly, so the best way is to teach the newbie the strong points and weaknesses of each plane.

I think that what JG26 adds is clear. It's a step beyond the training corps. The training corps teach the basis of AH, and one-on-one ACMs. JG26 will teach how to apply those lessons in Main Arena.

So.. people have already learned to basics from the people selected to be AH trainers.  They need a new level of training that can best be done by a squad.... any squad.

Really? I dont think so. I keep on seeing a lot of people in squads flying alone, doing stupid moves (Diving senseless headons, etc) ,not calling sixes ,not diving to clear sixes, lacking teamwork, etc. To be in a squad doesnt mean that you are going to learn in it. You will be helped yes, but for sure not in the extent that JG26 offers.

Sorry,not "ANY" squad does it right now. Still I dont ask for all newbies to go thru our training period, In fact it would be impossible. The ones who want it and wish to join us for 2 weeks, will be welcome. The ones who dont want and wish to stay as they are and learn they own way, is their choice  

I'm sorry, but given your distinct biases, prejudices and reactivity... I feel this would best be left to either the individual squads or the AH trainers.

I only have one prejuice. I hate to see dweeb moves in MA, regardless if they kill me or not. I cant stand the dweebish guy that misses the HO and gives me the kill done as much as I cant stand the one that gets me in the HO.

 I like good fights with competent opponents. Many people critizes me because I dont like the way MA is now and I whine about it. Now I am putting up a project to help newbies and teach them how to be a competent pilot. Now I am putting a REAL project, something REAL to help people to have fun in MA, and you say that I'm not the right guy because I dont like to see dweebish moves?...

oh,well. I will go on with my project. I dont need your approbation. In fact I dont need anyone's. If people want to joing JG26 and train in it they'll be welcome. If they dont I'll still be there willing to help.

Wanting to train all the new people in the arena should not be the only pre-requisit.[/QUOTE]

I think it is the ONLY and MOST important requisit. But you have your points of view and I have mines.

Thanks for the input.

[This message has been edited by RAM (edited 08-31-2000).]

Offline Staga

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« Reply #12 on: August 31, 2000, 02:13:00 PM »
I haven't been in AH for a while but if I remember right there were allways questions like "How do I use radio" or "How do I take off"....
There were times when I was in TA with some new guys but I didn't see any Trainers there. Maybe these guys were too shy to ask help how to handle this fine Sim or they didn't know where to ask help. Maybe if we got a Squad which is meant only for "newbies" it would be easier to them to check what AH can offer to them.
Maybe it's a good idea, Maybe not but if RAM has will to do it IMHO we could help him.
After all I see it's good to this Sim and therefore it's good for us all too  

bike killa

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« Reply #13 on: August 31, 2000, 02:31:00 PM »
Good Luck RAM!
if ya'll need any help (maybe with some crazy Pole   ) i'll be glad to help ya  


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« Reply #14 on: August 31, 2000, 02:46:00 PM »
RAM, don't pay attention to any of the AKs.

RAM, how about a JG 11? JG11 was one of the most successfull Jagdgeschwaders on the western front during 1943/44 and it hasnt been taken. Of all the 1300 claims made during mid 1943 40% of them were from JGs 11 and 1.

or perhaps a JG(r) 50/25.

[This message has been edited by Nath-BDP (edited 08-31-2000).]