Hello all.
I am currently working on an idea of a new "school squad", one that "trains" new people for 2 weeks and then gives them the choice of keep into the squadron or move away to let other people get experience in MA, while, at the same time, is a true and competitive squad.
I will soon create JG26 or Jg3 ( still trying to decide wich one), a squad that will grow slowly up to 16 people, training them and other people in the meantime. I am posting here my first drawing of the future JG3/26.
There will be two levels of membership. The Warrant Officer, and the Officer level.
The warrant officers are the "newbie" people training and getting experience in the squad.
Instead of been trained in TA only,(there will be a fair part of TA training, too), this new squad will actively fly with newbies in Main Arena, to give them a correct sensation of Strategy, tactics, and teamwork, required to have fun on it.
Members on this level will never be more than two at the same time(three in the first call for members) to make possible for them to be surrounded by more experienced people and so be better protected ,able to raise some kills and have more fun.
The only requirement to be W.O. is to be a LEGAL MEMBER of Aces High, so the 2 week trial has ALREADY passed, and to want to have a fun time with the squad.
During the 2 weeks of this level the reclutee will choose the plane he wants to fly each sortie, and the assigned Officer winging him will fly the same plane. This way the new member will learn to fly all planes, their strenghts and weak points, and will have a better feeling on the right tactics to use in each one. There will be a natural focusing on German iron (one of each 3 sorties should be on a german plane) as the squad is a german one. This is a must be, because in the officer level the squad member will only fly German iron (well some casual sorties in other planes aren't banned

but only few ones each tour).
After 2 weeks of teamwork, training, and MA experience, the member will have the choice of stick with the squad, and becoming a officer, or leave it to join the one he wants and fits him better, as a more experienced pilot.
This level is the "real" JG3/26. Here there is the real core of the squad. After 2 weeks Warrant officers are given the choice of accepting the conditions of an officer,or leave and join the squad of their will. The rules of this new JG will be:
-THE OFFICERS WILL -ALWAYS- HELP ANY WARRANT OFFICER FIRST. If a W.O. calls you for help you will do it letting aside any other consideration.
-ONLY GERMAN IRON ALLOWED.unless you are winging with a Warrant officer and he wants to fly anything else. As Ju88s are coming, the buffs are INCLUDED in this category. not so C47s

-THE OFFICERS WILL BE WILLING TO HELP ANY SQUADDIE IF CALLED FOR HELP, in any situation, any moment, regardless other considerations.
-THE OFFICERS WONT FLY AS SCOREpotatoS: Ack hugging is EXPRESSELY rejected (taking off from capped fields IS NOT ack huggin

-THE OFFICERS WILL BE WILLING TO FIGHT unless this option is ruled out by big odds against them, heavy damage, no ammo (MGs COUNTS AS AMMO HERE), or fuel low.
There will be one CO (me), one XO and one communications officer. The XO will be chosen by me as the CO in my absence.
The communications officer is a way to say that, as I have no damned idea of HTML

, I need someone to volunteer to create and maintain a webpage of the squadron.
JG3/26 (Dang...I like more Jg26 but Jg3 is good too!!

) will start at bishland. When the Officer force reaches 8, a votation will happen, and the country chosen in it will be the squad's homeland for the rest of the time.
The Officer force will stop at 16, after it, the training will still be up but no more officers will be allowed unless one resigns and abandons the squad.
Well the idea is there. I have very well formed the Officer level but will gratefully accept ideas on the Warrant Officer level.
Please feel free to give me any thoughts on this project, and email me (ebringas@airtel.net) if you want to be one of the 3 first W.O.s
Any thoughts?
[This message has been edited by RAM (edited 08-29-2000).]