I dont mind fugi.And for the record it was I who was to be the cartoon today..
Yes I was working 2 when fugi came by and it is true he did not engage,but as tinman said,I had to track him also,as I did not know his intentions..
LATER,after that We had a fun fight brew V brew,and on our first merge he lost his right wing,and I my left wing,it was a hilarious turn fight as one could imagine.And was fun..
After he went down I ejected to re-up and flew back over to the base where fugi was,at that time I saw that he was on a squaddies six and the squaddie was having a tough time getting him off,I knew it was fugi,BUT I also knew that my squaddie would go down unless I lent a hand which I did.AND I would do the same thing again and again.
TO me I would of lost more face just flying around watching my squaddie get shot down than to go and help him out of a sticky situation..The whole point of having a squad is helping each other out of those type of situations.