Now you tell me. Last night I was reading the Kuhlftofftuhler system (Cooling System) in the 109F 1-4 mother of all maintennace manuals. It was all in Sütterlin.
kühl lftoff tuhler
kühl stoff kühlen
Used to have a girlfreind who read german. I remembered her explaining the differences. So I translated for (s) when I saw (lf) and (k) when I saw (tuh). I like the very logical manner in which shorter words representing larger concepts can be placed together and the translation describes all of the primary components to the whole. Wonderful tech manuals the germans created.
Did you know in the Bf109F 1-4 series the wing radiators have coolant flow cutoff valves that are not hooked up to anything in the cockpit to remotely turn them off in the case of damage to a wing radiator? Looks like the Finns with their Bf109G series feild moded toggle valves controlled from the front left and right of the cockpit to shut off flow at the main stoff tubes from the wing roots.
I don't get it. The genius and detail to everthing else is fascinating. Then they leave two very important emergency valves disconnected till almost the end of the war..but they did add a few more millimeters of armored aluminum plate over the radiators in the F-7 series...
