The blackberry is even worse llogann. Keypad waaaay too fiddly. Just for the ones who don't know, to use an existing song on your Iphone as a ringtone you have to -1 download an app such as ringtone (free thankfully)2 use app to make 30 second audio clip3 at the end of the process save to desktop4 drag clip to ringtones section on itunes5 resync6 get frustrated coz for some reason the iphone won't put on more than one, or work at all7 Go outside for a smoke8 come back in and convert track to aac with 30 second limit9 save to desktop and make windows show file extensions10 convert to .m4r11 drag into ringtones folder on itunes12 resync13 doesn't work14 drop F bomb in the loudest voice you can15 go for a smoke16 get a verbal kicking from the wife for being noisy and having no patience17 go for a smoke18 give up.
Yeah or you just could choose any song you like, convert it to AAC using one click on iTunes, locate song in question on harddrive using search, rename the song from .m4a to .m4r and iTunes will automatically move your song to your ringtones folder and sync it to your iphone.Real hard.
the process should be:1.-search audio file on your phone2.-click on "use as ringtone"3.-enjoy
Extremely hard, considering that the process should be:1.-search audio file on your phone2.-click on "use as ringtone"3.-enjoy
Just for the ones who don't know, to use an existing song on your Iphone as a ringtone you have to -1 download an app such as ringtone (free thankfully)2 use app to make 30 second audio clip3 at the end of the process save to desktop4 drag clip to ringtones section on itunes5 resync
One other cool thing about Droid, is the ability to use Google Earth maps to feed your gps for free
The blackberry is even worse llogann. Keypad waaaay too fiddly. Just for the ones who don't know, to use an existing song on your Iphone as a ringtone you have to -
Get a nokia.