No it's not normal and drug use has blown off proportions. There needs to be more strict laws, every addict of hard narcotics should be subjected to a forced rehab cold turkey on first use violation. After first conviction mandatory drug testing every 3 months and cold turkey rehab for each new violation. Pot users etc. wouldn't suffer from rehab so they should just be imprisoned for the duration in separation naturally, not to get drugs from prison population.
One year program and drug use is guaranteed to reduce to a fraction.
Drugs have destroyed our communities. A few decades back you could walk the streets without worry. You could send your kids to travel by bus. Now the buses are full of alcoholics or junkies and the streets of any major city are a drug related robbery waiting to happen.
Sadly I don't know
Sadly, the only person that can help an addict is the addict. Only when that person wants, and is ready for help, will any type of help work.
Incarcerating does two things: wastes my money as a taxpayer and teaches those that were just addicts, when they went in how to be a better criminal. There are more drugs within the walls of a prison than on the street regardless if it is a segregated population or not. If you think, for one minute that tossing every user into a cell or rehab will "cure" them, you are either very naive, haven't met someone that had a serious addiction or have never been shown how things work in a county or state prison. Money talks, BS walks. End of story.
A junkie will find a way to use, PERIOD, until one of two things happens: they WANT to get clean or they die from it. Locking them up only delays those two actions. Only those that are willing, can be rehabilitated.
Education starts in the home. It is not the responsibility of the school, their job is to educate academically. It is the responsibility of the parents to educate morally.
As for randomly testing MY children?
I will write the following on a piece of parchment with a quill pen, if necessary:
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.