I just took off in a P38, and as I was lifting off I heard bombs go off and noticed a flight of KI67's over the airfield and 3.5K. I immediately went onto persuit mode. To make a long story short, O couldn't catch up with them. The P button was engaged although I get an increase in RPM but don't see any performance increase. I expended nearly all my fuel and the closest I could get was 2.5 at any time. I landed on fumes. I don't understand Why I have this problem. When I'm flying a bomber mostly a B17, they catch right up and fly circles around me, and it doesn't seem to matter if they were flying a box kite, there still all over me. This may possibly be system related, I don't know but there's defiantly something going on here. I'm using a Dell Insperon Laptop with 250 GHD and 2 G of RAM I have FIOS and it's speed is the the one in the middle, not the fastest and not the slowest. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thx MrMag00