Author Topic: Special Events Schedule March 22 - March 28  (Read 867 times)

Offline 68Raptor

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Special Events Schedule March 22 - March 28
« on: February 23, 2011, 04:09:32 PM »
Tuesday March 22nd, 2010 10:00pm Eastern in SEA I - Aces High eXtreme Air Racing League - Season 22 Race 08. Scheduled host is 4440
Again, it is too early to have any other information about this race.
On this day in 1944 - The forces of the New Zealand Corps (part of US 5th Army) makes a final attack on German held Cassino. It fails. General Freyberg, commanding the corps, then calls off the attack. Allied troops are withdrawn from the most advance positions and the remainders consolidate recent gains. Race details can be found Here. AHXARL forums are located Here

Wednesday March 23rd, 2010 10:00pm Eastern in SEAII - This weeks snapshot is "Last of a Dying Breed" hosted by 68Baltar.
 7th of April 1943.
67 Vals and 110 Zeros were launched against the Island of Guadalcanal. The Cactus Air Force sprang into action launching elements of Army P-38s, P-39s, P-40s and Marine F4Fs, and now Marine F4Us from VMF-124 that were delivered in February. During the melee VMF-214 (flying Wildcats) drew first blood claiming 10 aircraft destroyed between Cape Esperance and Koli point. The Zero escort did a good job of tying up the defenders and the flight of Vals remained nearly intact. The Aichis swooped down and destroyed a tanker and two destroyers. At the end of the day American flyers were credited with 40 kills versus 29 acknowledged in IJN records. Out of all the fighters the Army claimed 11 and one corsair pilot claimed 1, all the rest were claimed by the Grumman F4F. This would mark the end of an era for Wildcat pilots

Snapshots are walk on events and all are welcome. Forums are located Here

Saturday March 26th. 2010 9:00pm Eastern Saturday King of the Hill hosted by AKDogg. Just in case you didn't get enough abuse on Friday night or you couldn’t make it to Friday's KOTH then come check out Saturday's KOTH event. Info on KOTH can be found Here. You can also check out the KOTH forums Here.

Sunday March 27th, 2010 8:00pm UK/3:00pm Eastern in SEA II - Sunday European Campaign hosted by dhyran. SEC’s Frame 3 of “The Defense of Malta”. SEC is an event loosely based on historic military actions. Sunday European Campaign info can be found Here. SEC forums are located Here
« Last Edit: February 26, 2011, 07:34:24 AM by 68Raptor »
Executive Officer
68th Lighting Lancers